Friday, September 26, 2014

Ob-Zest! NewMeMD Featured Recipe: Garlic Lemon Roasted Asparagus

Yay, it’s asparagus night everyone! 

When in season, this particular green is not only delicious and crunchy, it's healthy too (it's packed with folate and potassium)!

With that in mind, why not serve up your favorite hCG-friendly seafood entree this evening to go along with this nutrient-dense veggie... It's sure to be a perfect combination!

hCG-Friendly Roasted Asparagus with Garlic

- 1 lb. fresh asparagus (medium width)
- 2 teaspoons of olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves
- minced salt and fresh ground pepper
- lemon wedges as garnish

1. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. 

2. Rinse asparagus and break off tough ends.
3. In a shallow roasting pan, place asparagus and coat with oil.
4. Sprinkle with garlic and salt and pepper for taste.
5. Roast uncovered for 6-8 minutes(depending on width of spears) shaking pan occasionally .
6. Serve with lemon wedges and enjoy! Makes 4 servings (approx. 4 medium spears each)

Nutritional Information
Calories: 48.2
Total fat: 2.5 g
Sodium: 2.5 mg
Total carbs: 5.6 g
Dietary fiber: 2.4 g
Protein : 2.7 g

At NewMeMD our entire staff is committed to helping patients reach their health goals, which is why we offer a variety of physician-guided weight loss programs and even body contouring packages for just about anyone's needs.

For more information about our products & services visit 
TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251) 287-9714.

Here's to healthful eating tonight!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

This Spud's for You! NewMeMD 's 5 Health Benefits of Potatoes

Okay so you might not want to be called a “potato head” (because of the negative stigma spuds typically carry) but good news: recent studies show potatoes really aren't that bad for you after all!

Sure... this starchy stuff can be extremely calorie-dense when they're smothered in cheese, mixed up with mayo, doused in sour cream or deep fried—but when consumed in their purest (and organic if possible) form, this tuberous plant actually contains some humongous health perks.

Here are 5 great reasons to love potatoes:

1. Each piece of this produce is packed with potassium.
One large spud (baked with the skin on) contains a whopping 1,600 milligrams of potassium, which is nearly half your recommended amount for the entire day. That's almost four times the amount of nutrients in a medium banana (which is notorious for its potassium count). This plant is also loaded with lots of electrolytes, which are key to staying hydrated as well as helpful for managing hypertension, or high blood pressure.

2. Potatoes are packed with fiber.
Eating the skin from a large spud provides as much as 7 grams of dietary fiber to your meal. Without eating the skin, however, your intake drops down to a measly 1 gram. Dietary fiber, which is also a carbohydrate, can help you stay fuller longer and has also been shown to
- aid in reducing risks of heart attack
- help lower your "bad cholesterol" 
- assist in the prevention of diabetes

3. Spuds have a hearty dose of vitamin C.
The highest concentration of vitamin C in potatoes can be found in the skin. You take in as much as 29 milligrams of C in just one large tater, to be exact. That's more than a third of the amount of this vitamin found in an orange. Not only can high doses of vitamin C play an important role as an antioxidant in the body, it can help ward off those awful 'bugs' during cold & flu season and even help in healing wounds much faster.

4. Potatoes are a superb source of manganese.
If you're not too familiar with this nutrient... here's a few tidbits about it and why we all need it: Manganese plays an instrumental role in processing proteins, carbs, cholesterol and can also help with the formation of stronger bones. One big o' spud (with the skin on of course) contains 33% of your recommended daily amount of manganese.

5. They’re rich in vitamin B6:
Vitamin B6 is sometimes known as a “behind the scenes” vitamin because it works hard internally (within the cardiovascular, digestive, immune, muscular and nervous systems). Your body needs abundant amounts of B6 daily to function optimally... which is why even one small spud, when eaten with the skin on, is a great place to start!

Although the summer season has come and gone... if you're still looking for additional ways to maintain a sleek physique throughout the remainder of the year, NewMeMD can customize a medically supervised weight loss program designed exactly for your specific needs. 

Just click here to visit our web site NOW for more about our products & services.

Here's to sexier, slender YOU (even with spuds included in your eating regimen)!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Friday, September 5, 2014

Battling the Bulge: 4 Wise Ways to Eat Well from NewMeMD

"I tried every diet recipe in the book. I tried some that weren't in the book. Then I tried eating the book, and it tasted better than most of the actual recipes!"

If you can relate to this funny quote in some way, you may agree that the old rules of eating healthy are not only boring, they can also be very misleading regarding the intricate ways nutrients can benefit our bodies. 

So in order to combat some of these not-so-nutritious misconceptions as well as help fight the "battle of the bulge," here are 4 wise ways to eat well from our NewMeMD wellness team:

1. Break the fast before you get started with your day.
Eating a healthful meal after hours of fasting (aka catching some zzzzs throughout the night) can help you eat better all day long. Additionally, breakfast can jump start your metabolism and prevent you from overeating throughout your day at the office (and even well into your evening. 

2. Spice things up with something sweet.
Cinnamon is a spice often used to pep up pancakes, add a twist to your toast and make your desserts even more dazzling. But did you know this sweet stuff is also extremely low in calories (19 calories per tbsp) and loaded with healthful A 2003 study in the Journal Diabetes care of five dozen people with type 2 diabetes showed that the daily addition of cinnamon to their diet lowered blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels after 40 days.

3. Stay hydrated throughout the day.
Hungry or just thirsty? That is the question. Many people (especially those who are dieting) can confuse hunger and thirst, which can cause you to reach for something to munch on... rather than just gulping down some plain ol' H2O. If you truly thing you're famished, have a glass of water first and wait 20 minutes. By then if you are still being nagged by hunger pangs, then eat (just make sure it's something that's good for you).

4. Be open to making a healthier lifestyle change.
Sometimes we can be guilty of so attempting diets so often that we end up feeling as though we would have been off not trying to trim down our waistlines in the first place. But we don't necessarily have to think this way. Dramatically restricting our daily intake and meticulously counting calories can create an unhealthy preoccupation with food. Eating right needs to be a lifestyle change so it feels less like you're on a diet and won't distract you from your own internal health cues (which can tell us what our bodies are lacking).

At NewMeMD our entire staff is committed to helping patients reach their health goals. That's why we offer a variety of physician-guided weight loss programs and even body contouring packages which can be individualized specifically specifically for your needs!

For more information about our products & services visit 
TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251)287-9714.

Here's to battling the bulge with success!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Monday, September 1, 2014

Get Shredded with NewMeMD in the Kitchen (NOT the Gym)!

Have you ever fallen in love with Chipotle’s barbacoa burrito dish? 

We can relate... because after all, who can resist the lime & cilantro-infused rice and hearty black beans (which unfortunately aren't hCG-friendly) that typically accompany this meal?! 

If you want to enjoy this tasty dinner delight but are one of the many of us who are "watching our figure," here's an alternative way to enjoy this meal from your wellness team at NewMeMD :

hCG-Friendly Barbacoa-Style Shredded Beef

Start with a chuck roast. Anywhere between 2 to 4 lbs is fine. I usually go for bigger because I like leftovers to take some to work or make more meals. Cut it in half and trim most of the visible fat. Place it in a slow cooker.


In a food processor puree the following:
- ½ onion
- ¼ cup lime juice
- ¼ cup tomato paste
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 ½ tbsp Apple cider vinegar
- 2 tsp cumin
- 2 tsp sea salt
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1 tsp Cloves or Allspice


1. Pour the puree over the roast in a slow cooker. Pour about a cup of beef broth on top and drop in a few bay leaves.

2. Cook on low for 7 hours. When it’s done, shred the meat with two forks and put it back into the amazing sauce in the slow cooker that was created during cooking. Keep on low for another couple of hours to really soak up the flavor of the sauce.

3. Serve and enjoy eating hCG-friendly! You can have it plain or in a burrito bowl just like they prepare it at Chipotle (with a bowl of steamed vegetables on the side).
For more healthy living ideas or information about our medical weight loss solutions click here to visit our web site.

Here's to heatin' things up while slimmin' down for summer!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team