Tuesday, April 22, 2014

WAIST Not Want Not: NewMeMD's 4 Suggestions for Finding an Ideal Weight Loss Solution for YOU

More than half of Americans who go on a weight loss or diet typically start at the beginning of a new year (although it's never too late to START NOW).

Unfortunately, the difficulty in losing the weight and keeping it off leads many people to turn to commercial weight loss programs or heavily marketed diet pills for help. 

Almost all of these commercial weight loss programs and weight loss supplements you see out there may work, but for the most part they only motivate you sufficiently to change the way you eat or increase the amount of calories you burn through physical activity each day.

With that in mind, here are 4 things our NewMeMD wellness team suggests you look for when in search of a fast, safe weight loss program tailored specifically to your needs & goals:

1. Make sure your weight management program is safe.

Whether you create your own weight loss regimen or attempt one you've read/heard about, make sure it is safe. A safe protocol for shedding those excess pounds should include all of your recommended daily allowances for vitamins, minerals and protein. Additionally, your diet meals & newly implemented eating habits should be low in calories to ensure maximum results.

2. Aim for consistent w
eight loss. 
Trying to lose a significant amount of weight within a specific time frame? Then rapid weight loss solutions such as our prescription hCG weight loss program(s) may be ideal for you. When following our reduced-calorie diet, patients can lose as many as 30 pounds in just one month, which is an average of one pound lost per day (individual results may vary)! 

3. Commit to a program that won't interfere with any health condition(s) you may currently have.

If you plan to lose more than 15 to 20 pounds and you have health problems and/or are taking prescription medications regularly we recommend you have a doctor (such as our NewMeMD physicians) evaluate you prior to starting your anticipated weight loss journey. Our practitioners & medical staff can not only assess your general health/current medical condition(s), we will also monitor your waistline-shrinking results weekly, as well provide you with the nutritional guidance you need to achieve maximum weight loss results.

4. Set realistic, yet professionally-supervised goals for whittling your waistline.

Rather than just trying the newest fat-burning pills seen on TV or experimenting with a popular fad diet on your own, consider opting for a solution that's backed by a team of medical experts. Doctor-supervised programs such as those we offer at NewMeMD can provide you with a realistic & safe way to lose weight along with FDA-approved medications, pharmaceutical-grade supplements and most importantly... the ongoing support you need to reach your goals of becoming a slimmer YOU.

If you've been struggling with dropping those unwanted pounds before the summer season arrives or are searching for a safe, effective weight loss program visit NewMeMD.com to get started TODAY.

Here's to trimming our diet excuses along with our waistlines!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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