Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Out of House & Home: How to Eat Out WITHOUT Splurging on All the Calories

Increasingly busy lifestyles, long work hours and numerous daily commitments mean eating out has definitely become a daily part of our modern lives.

Unfortunately for those of us who love to enjoy a restaurant meal, it likely means many extra calories consumed because of the mix of larger portion sizes, the heavy use of oils or butter, as well as the fat-laden sauces on top of the marvelous main courses which are included (although we could request our entrees be prepared without them, right?!).

If you're one of the many Americans finding yourself seated at a local restaurant booth more than once a week, let us help you dodge the excess caloric consumption. Here's a fail-proof guide from our NewMeMD wellness team so you can enjoy eating out without going overboard:

1. Always have a snack before you go.
Arriving in a restaurant or post-work function while you're absolutely starving is a recipe for disaster when it comes to portion (and calorie) control. In this state of mind, you are more than likely to succumb all the entrees, drinks and extras that come along with it. For this reason, grabbing a protein-rich bar, some raw veggie sticks with cottage cheese or hummus or even gulping down a protein shake an hour before your meal will help take the edge off of those ravenous feelings so you're able to make better choices from the menu!

2. Choose your cuisine carefully.
In case you weren't already aware... Indian, Chinese and Thai foods tend to contain extremely high levels of fat, because they're comprised of sauces which are heavy on saturated fat (aka the "bad fat!"). Some dishes also involves a lot of batters, trans fats, MSG or other types of fattening oils for frying. With this combination of high-fat curries and fried foods eaten with large amounts of white rice, noodles and/or breads... it's easy to see how a calorie overload can result. So which are healthier alternatives? Japanese, Greek and even modern Australian cuisines have a better and wider range of menu options that could help you make better and much lower-calorie choices!

3. Size does matter.

The truth has always been known, that if we simply eat smaller portions of everything, way fewer of us would have weight problems. If possible, try to always focus on lighter menu options (the selection at restaurants nationwide are abundant these days). When your meals are brought to the table- if it involves portions of pasta, rice or meat far larger than what you know need to fill you up, simply visualize how much you know you'd eat at your home dinner table, and take the excess off your plate to share it with your fellow diners!

4. Add vegetables.

This is one of the biggest problems with dinners (or lunches) being had away from home. Veggies are something we all need for good health, but they're also something that can also help us feel fuller and satisfied at every meal. While they can sometimes be expensive when ordered as sides, "eating your veggies" is well worth paying the extra price to both help bulk up your meal, and to prevent giving into the temptation of noshing on extra chips or even more bread.

5. Always share your dessert. 

When it comes to desserts, no one is insisting you avoid them completely. The most pleasurable part of dessert is actually gained within your first few mouthfuls, so keep your portion small... Because after noticing the average dessert typically contains as many calories as your entire meal, it'll make sense why you should definitely share it with all people at your own table (and the one next to yours, if they're open to the idea)!

Easy enough, right? Abiding by these 5 steps when dining away from your own dinner table can definitely have an impact on how many calories you consume as well as the effect overeating can have on your waistline. 

Contact us TODAY or  visit our site NOW for additional weight management support or for information about our weight management products & services.

Here's to eating right, out of house & home!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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