Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hunger Games: 4 Solutions to Enduring Your 1st Week of Your Weight Loss Program

Changing your diet. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks (as many of you already know), which is why powering through the initial days of your recent lifestyle change or your medical weight loss program can be difficult. 

Truth is, you may experience hunger pangs, nagging cravings or even unusual food-related thoughts racing through your mind during your first week. Guess what? You're not alone-- Many of us can relate.

Fortunately there are several easy ways to cope with feeling hungry during these moments... and our NewMeMD wellness team would like to share 4 of those potential solutions with you:

#1: Try Pickles.

If your cravings are haunting you about reaching for something salty and crunchy, try having some dill pickles. They're not only fat-free and carb-free, these cucumbers-in-disguise are also allowed during your prescription hCG program. Just be sure though, that the pickles you peck at don't contain added sugars and that you're not exceeding your recommended calorie limit for the day.

#2: Have a little snack.
Considering you will have a little wiggle room on your new reduced calorie regimen, noshing on something nutritious in between meals to curb your hunger is okay (in fact, we highly recommend it). For dieters in general, dried fruit or a handful of nuts are great options. If you're on an hCG program, however, opt for fresh fruit & veggies or any of the other snack suggestions listed on your "allowed foods" list.

#3: Drink extra water.
To make your stomach feel full, gulping down more H2O can help decrease the severity of those tormenting hunger pangs. Try drinking 8-12 ounces of water within 30 minutes of feeling hungry. By doing so you may even find that you were just thirsty or dehydrated instead of ravenous (our minds tend to confuse the two).

#4: Drink Tea.
Did you know your metabolism can actually slow down to conserve energy when your body isn't properly hydrated? That's right. So if you want to boost your metabolism for maximum calorie burning, drink up! One creative way to ramp up your water consumption is to make tea. Mint, peppermint, oolong, yerba mate and green teas (organic green tea is especially great for hCG dieters) can be ideal beverages for filling up... and they can also do wonders for suppressing your appetite.

Enduring the first week of a new diet, medical weight loss program or just about any type of lifestyle/behavioral change can be tough... but it can also be much easier by implementing solutions as simple as these. Try incorporating them TODAY... so you can stick to your guns about shedding that unwanted fat. For good.

You can do this!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

For information about our NewMeMD physician-supervised weight loss programs & services CLICK HERE to visit our web site!

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