Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fine, Be That Way: NewMeMD Fine Light Treatment NOW AVAILABLE

Tired of seeing wrinkles when you glance at your reflection in the mirror? Why not try Fine Light Therapy from NewMeMD as a solution?!

What is Fine Light Therapy?
Fine Light Therapy is a simple, safe and effective way to rejuvenate your skin using a panel of LED lights to treat a specific area of the body (such as crow's feet or the lines on your forehead). 

How does it work?
This process, sometimes known as the “No Knife
Face Lift," 
was recently found to be useful in smoothing and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. It can help smooth the crinkled or sagging texture of the face, firm and tone aged or tired skin and even help restore the youthful radiance or appearance of your complexion. 

Best of all, it’s 
- non-invasive
- requires no surgery
- involves ZERO harsh chemicals
- doesn't use painful lasers
- there is no downtime for recovery
- it's safe for most types of skin 

Our skin and body tissues have the miraculous ability to absorb light and use it as a source of energy to stimulate cellular regeneration... Because of this, our Fine Light LED technology enables light to reach powerfully into the dermis layer of your skin in order to produce rapid and effective results.  These light rays can be beneficial to your skin because Fine Light contains no UV rays (unlike the light you get from the sun, which can be harmful). 

As the Fine Light LED works its way through the dermis and into your Fibroblast cells (where collagen and Elastin are produced), it can start "exciting" our cells' powerhouses (mitochondria) into producing in some cases up to 10 times more ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), which is a fuel our cells need for optimal function and regeneration.

As more fuel cells are produced from receiving LED treatment like Fine Light Therapy, more of our body's needed collagen and elastin are produced (along with other necessary materials for improving our skin's appearance). Collagen helps plump up the skin to fill in fine lines and wrinkles, while elastin helps to firm skin that has begun to sag. This rejuvenating process can result in a mirror reflection that quickly appears more youthful, smoother, healthier and more radiant!

How can I try it out?

Fine Light Therapy is now widely used for anti-aging on the skin and is quickly becoming recognized as one of the safest and most affordable ways to achieve a younger, more vibrant looking complexion. 

Ask a NewMeMD wellness consultant about our treatment packages or visit our web site NOW for more information!

Ready to be wrinkle-free? Fine, be that way!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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