Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Attention Please: NewMeMD 's 3 Foods Linked with ADHD -Like Symptoms

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) has been known to be a constitutional disorder present from the time of birth. 

Children with ADD and their parents have difficult problems that generally don’t go away for a long time. 

Parents of affected children often blame it on the different circumstances and substances that bring adverse effects to the condition, including medications like antihistamines (containing ingredients which sedate) and chocolates (which contain stimulants). 

The dietary changes made in respect to food that can affect ADD is just an idea, but to date, there are no proven tests of any kind concerning food intolerance that have been concluded, nor have affected any child even if they have any of the inherited problems that exist.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), although it may seem the same as ADD, is a much different condition. Recent studies have shown that 11% of school children have been diagnosed with ADHD. Also, 1 out of every 5 high school boys has received the same diagnosis, which will in turn represent a 40% increase for this past decade. A study from a recent article (The Lancet Journal), found that 64% of the diagnosed cases of ADHD were actually caused by hypersensitivity to food, and when the food was removed-- the symptoms disappeared.

Based on recent studies the 3 most common types of foods associated with ADHD-like symptoms are:

1. Dairy: This is at the top of the list of foods that can cause behavioral, focus and attention problems. This includes several kinds of milk, yogurt, cheeses, etc. (especially if these products contain genetically-modified ingredients or other synthetic additives).

2. Wheat/Gluten: These types of foods have been found to cause mood disorders among those who are gluten intolerant including: aggressiveness, anger, irritable behavior. Wheat/Gluten-laden foods include most breads, pastas & flour-based products (unless they are specifically labeled as GF, or Gluten-Free).

3. Food Coloring & Other Additives: Nearly 15 million pounds of food dyes are added to many foods catered to children each year, which cause behavioral problems, hyperactivity, allergic reactions and even a larger chance of having cancer. This refers to an array of products sold at your local supermarket (including fresh meats & seafood!) unless it is marked as additive or preservative-free.

With the large increase of health & obesity-related problems out there today... it can be quite scary to know that the foods we eat every day could be a contributing factor to some of these medical conditions.

If YOU would like more nutritional guidance in order to live a healthier lifestyle (or would like some info about our medical weight loss programs & services) contact a NewMeMD wellness consultant TODAY.

Here's to paying attention... to healthier living!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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