Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Berried Treasures: 7 Healthy Super Fruits to Savor Before Summer's End

Soaking in these remaining few weeks of summer can't quite be enjoyed to the absolute fullest without the sweet aroma of and taste of those summer fruits we all enjoyed as kids, right? We agree! 

Many of those fruits, are of course, are only available during our hottest months of each year... which makes them a seasonal treat we should all indulge in (in moderation, that is) before these beloved "dog days" come to an end.

Our wellness team at NewMeMD has proudly compiled 7 of what we consider to be the best summer fruits available right now... You can buy them practically anywhere locally, so whaddaya say?! Why not try noshing on some of these nutritious, natural delights:

1) Watermelon.
This fruit stand favorite makes our mouths water just writing about it... Watermelon, especially when eaten together with berries or other fruits that are rich in fiber, can help fuel your system with tons of vitamins and phytonutrients that your body will totally appreciate.

2) Figs.
Figs unfortunately have a not-so-nutritious reputation because of their overly-processed branded cookie namesake, but a good ripe fresh fig on its own is both delicious and nutritious. As a matter of fact, just 2 figs provides 35 mg of calcium, which is essential for building bone density (especially now that we're not strong and resilient children anymore)!

3) Guava.
Getting a grip on some guava to Southeast Asian tropical dwellers is almost equivalent to the way Americans have an affinity for apples... But thanks to local farmers here in the good ol' U.S. of A. we don't hafta travel below the equator to find this exotic fruit. Guavas are jam-packed with the antioxidant, lycopene and they're loaded with even more potassium than a banana. 

4) Kiwi.
Originally from New Zealand (but now plentiful pretty much anywhere in the U.S. today), these furry lil' fruits are an ounce-for-an-ounce match-up against oranges when it comes to vitamin C (they contain a whopping 117% of your recommended daily Vitamin C requirement). Recent studies show consuming this much C daily can help keep your skin looking supple and wrinkle-free, which is even more reason cram more kiwi into your daily regimen!

5) Strawberries.

These bright red bulbs of goodness are super sweet, sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol free and filled with fiber as well as Vitamin C. During warmer months like the present, strawberries are widely available your neighborhood supermarkets and locally-owned fruit stands. One tip: Try to avoid buying the oversized or extra plump varieties because they tend to have less flavor and fewer nutrients. Choose organic strawberries when you can instead, because they're much richer in antioxidants, and they won't be sprinkled with yucky, toxic pesticides either.

6) Papaya.
Arrrriba! This juicy byproduct of the Carica plant is believed to be a native of Southern Mexico (although the jury's still out on its true birthplace). Papayas contain significant servings of Vitamin C as well as beta carotene & Vitamin E, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. And did you know? You can also use the seeds from this fruit as an alternative to black pepper when seasoning when your food. How's that for eating healthfully in more ways than one?!

7) Goji Berries.
The extracted juice from these tiny little berries has recently become a popular mainly because of its zingy taste & health benefits (such as 
boosting brain function and protecting you better against age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s). Since goji juice, however, can be pretty pricey, why not reap the same rewards of this super berry by buying them fresh?! If you've never tried them, their tangy flavor is like a cross between cranberries and cherries... which is a refreshing twist you won't want to miss out on this summer!

If you're looking for additional ways to keep your sleek physique throughout the remainder of the year, NewMeMD can customize a weight loss program designed exactly for your specific needs. We can even recommend some of our body contouring treatments to help keep you lookin' "swimsuit ready" year-round.

For information about our products & services click here to visit our web site NOW.

Here's to many smart solutions to staying slender, even after this season comes to an end!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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