Thursday, March 26, 2015

Pump Some Iron: NewMeMD 's hCG -Friendly Chicken, Spinach & Strawberry Salad

You don't always have to be at the gym to pump some iron, especially when you're trying to incorporate it into your eating regimen! 

Our NewMeMD wellness team has the perfect spring mix for you to try... It's not only tasty and low in calories, it's hCG -friendly too!

hCG Chicken, Spinach & Strawberry Salad

- 2 heaping handfuls of fresh spinach
- 1 handful of strawberries (sliced)
- 4 oz. of raw chicken, lean beef or shrimp (we used 4 oz. of chicken)
- 2 tbsp of celery seed vinegar

- sesame seeds (optional)


1. Chop spinach into bite sized pieces and slice strawberries.
2. Cook 4 oz. of meat however you see fit (we grilled our chicken). 

3. When cooked, cut meat into bite-sized pieces and place in a bowl with spinach and strawberries. 
4. Top with 2 tbsp of celery seed vinegar. Garnish with sesame seeds (if desired). 
5. Serve and enjoy eating hCG -friendly (makes one serving)!

Nutritional Info
Calories per serving: 242.1
Protein: 26.3 g
Total fat: 1.6 g
Dietary fiber: 9.4 g

For more great solutions for slimming down, CLICK HERE to learn about our NewMeMD weight loss products & services.

Here's to pumping some iron... into our diets, that is!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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