Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter-rific! NewMeMD 's hCG -Friendly Spinach Stuffed Steak Pinwheels

Happy spring, everyone! Our NewMeMD wellness team has the perfect dish for you using spirals of lean flank steak, encircling a luscious filling of spinach and sun dried tomatoes... 

It's perfect for a festive Easter meal but since it's also hCG -friendly, you'll love this easy recipe any day!             

hCG -Friendly Spinach Stuffed Steak Pinwheels

- 1.75 lbs. flank steak
- bag of baby spinach
- 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes (coarsely chopped)
- 4 cloves garlic
- 4 tbsp flat leaf parsley
- fat-free chicken broth
- nutmeg
- ground sea salt
- ground black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350. 
2. Pound flank steak until 1/4-1/2" thick. Salt and pepper both sides.
3. In a food processor puree spinach, garlic and parsley with just enough chicken broth to create a paste. Then stir in the sun dried tomatoes.
4. Spread paste on one side of the flank steak. Sprinkle nutmeg sparingly.
5. Roll up flank steak and either tie with string or use toothpicks to secure. Make sure when you roll it up the fibers are lengthwise so that when you cut into it, it will be against the grain. Insert meat thermometer.
6. Place face down in pan and bake until meat thermometer reaches 160 degrees (for "medium" cooked steaks). If your steak isn't exactly 1.75 lbs., divide the total weight of the uncooked steak by 3.5 so you know how many portions it should be cut into.

Serving size: eight (8) 3.5 oz. servings

Nutritional Info
Calories per serving: 176.8
Protein: 22g
Total fat: 7.9g
Carbohydrates: 3.4g

At NewMeMD we can customize a weight loss program designed exactly for your specific needs. We can even recommend some of our body contouring treatments to help keep you get "swimsuit ready" this season!

For information about our products & services click here to visit our web site NOW.

Here's to a Happy Easter!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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