Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Three Reasons Counting Calories Really Counts in Your Diet Plan

Tracking calories used to be a real pain... looking up the information and keeping a paper diary. Who's got the time? But today, so many apps are available to help you keep honest track of what you're consuming each day. Now that it's so simple, there's really no reason not to count your calories, but there are at least three important reasons why you should:

1. Limit overeating: Let’s face it: overeating is a very easy thing to do. While it is perfectly fine to pig out every once in a while, making it a habit will catch up with you faster than you think. Tracking calories is a great way to prevent overeating because you will be aware of the amount you are consuming. Just make sure you're honest and accurate with yourself about your caloric intake. Pay close attention to serving sizes. Then, when you hit your calorie limit for the day, stop eating. Drink lots of water to feel more full or go for very low calorie vegetables like celery if you must eat something.

2. Lose fat: In order to lose fat one must create a caloric deficit. Just simply eat a certain amount below the maintenance caloric intake for your weight and YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. If you're not actually counting calories, you might feel like you haven't eaten a lot that day, so you deserve something extra. Give yourself real data to know that you have room in your diet for that extra popcorn or apple that you crave.
3. Maintain your weight loss: For those who have lost a lot of weight and plan to keep it off, counting calories is critical. It allows you to indulge in some sweets or salty snacks by cutting back in another area. You can give yourself a daily limit of calories to spend on these particular foods, or if you go really wild one day, you know you can balance it out the next day. 

Counting calories is an important part of a long-term healthy lifestyle. What benefits or challenges have you experienced logging your daily food intake? Let us know in the comments!

For additional tips on achieving waistline-whittling success or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs, visit 
NewMeMD.com TODAY!

Here’s to spicing it up and slimming it down!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Monday, January 27, 2014

Off of the Couch and onto the Obstacle Course: The Great Amazing Race Returns to the Gulf Coast

Watch out, folks, the The Amazing Race is coming to town soon... but you certainly won't be vegging out on the couch for this one! Based on the show you've seen on TV, the Great Amazing Race is an annual, family-friendly obstacle course/adventure race activity for adults and kids. Join us for the fun this year in Mobile on Sunday, February 23, 2014 at Langan Municipal Park.

Challenge your friends, neighbors, and coworkers to compete. It’s a fun way to get the whole family excited about exercise. Teams of two people (adult/kid, kid/kid, or adult/adult ) will race against other teams to complete a one-mile, cross-country course that includes eight fun-filled obstacles and challenges that require teamwork. Some of the challenges can be messy, so be prepared to get a little dirty and wet!

Our wellness team is getting excited about this year’s theme: Where Smiles & Teamwork Rule the Day. Kids as young as five years old can compete, but those in Pre-K or kindergarten must be paired with an adult. All challenges are suited to the age level of the competitors and both recreation and competitive levels are available. Find a partner and register your team today!

The registration fee is $40 per pair. Discounts are available for scout troops, military, law enforcement, and other community organizations. Winning teams could qualify to compete for a $2,000 prize in the Championship Race. Visit www.GreatAmazingRace.com for details.

The challenge is a great way to make exercise a family affair! It helps you work toward your fitness goals and helps your children develop healthy attitudes about exercise which will enrich their lives forever.

For additional tips on achieving waistline-whittling success or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs, visit NewMeMD.com TODAY!

Here’s to spicing it up and slimming it down!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lighten Up: Lipo-Light Slimming Treatments NOW Available at NewMeMD

Lipo-Light Treatment, the latest trend in weight loss and body shaping therapy, is now being offered at NewMeMD in Mobile, Alabama (click here to view our current promotion on Groupon)!

The whole treatment is non-invasive, very relaxing, requires no anesthesia and has essentially no side effects... For those (among other) reasons, it can easily be considered the quickest and most efficient body contouring system around today!

The Lipo-Light system consists of placing 8 to 16 pads directly on the skin along with LED’s and stimulus exercise, causing your fat cells to collapse. Your fat is then released into your body as fatty acids to be used as energy. It is a natural and healthy way to inch-loss in your waist, hips, thighs and even arms!

Along with Lipo-Light Therapy, the use of prescription HCG is something which can further benefit your weight loss. Since HCG is a natural hormone that enhances your metabolism and utilizes your body's stored nutrients, this mobilization will help in removing unwanted fat from your system. This combination of prescription HCG and Lipo-Light Treatment has been approved by our NewMeMD physicians to be used together as an approach to seeing significant 
weight loss results... So, why not give one (or both) of our medically supervised solutions a try? 

Lipo-Light could just be one of the answers to improving your reflection in the mirror while still maintaining the balance of your daily life and obligations (as well as tipping the scales in your favor)!

If you would like more information about our Lipo-Light Treatment or our prescription HCG weight loss programs, contact us at
NewMeMD.com TODAY!

Here's to lightening up...on the scale, that is!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Monday, January 20, 2014

NewMeMD : 5 Ways to Spice Things Up & Slim It Down

Let’s be honest, talking about beginning a weight loss program is all too common and doesn’t exactly make the headline news. 

Most of us, unfortunately, view this as a routine of dull and boring exercise in combination with a whole lot of bland (or even horrible-tasting) food. For this reason, many overweight people fail to take the plunge into successfully losing weight by sticking to and finishing a routine. Well NewMeMD is here to help!

With a little bit of imagination & motivation in your weight loss routine, you can have a life-changing experience... and h
ere are several suggestions from our NewMeMD Wellness Team to get you started:

1) Make your goal charitable!
Sign up for a fun run or a mini-marathon to raise money for a charity of your choice, while also exercising! Not only are you working on losing weight, but you will also be benefiting others, therefore pushing yourself harder.

2) Get a gym buddy!
Friends and relatives can join in the fun with you while losing weight. A little conversation is a great way to help pass time, and a new partner might have new ideas for fun and interesting exercises! You can also throw in some friendly competition to keep both of you moving.

3) Change your workout!
Don’t spend too much time on one or two machines. You can try a class once or twice a week such as yoga, zumba, or spinning. Keep on changing routines when it gets too familiar to stay away from boredom!

4) Buy a new outfit!
Ditch the t-shirts & sweat pants... and go buy a new workout ensemble to help you feel refreshed and comfortable. Proper workout attire will soak up that sweat and pull it away from your body, making you feel good and look good, giving you the extra boost of confidence you need to give it your all in a workout routine.

5) Take it outside!
Get out and breathe some fresh air! Take a break from that stuffy gym and move outdoors. Take a brisk walk, jog at your favorite park or play a sport with some friends with a little sportsmanship competition!
The reward of weight loss goes further than good looks, it improves self-esteem and confidence, mental energy and positive thinking. 

So, the trick of sticking to a weight loss regimen is to enhance or spice up your routine with new and fun ideas. 

For additional tips on achieving waistline-whittling success or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs, visit
NewMeMD.com TODAY!

Here’s to spicing it up and slimming it down!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Worth the Weight (Loss): How Phentermine Can Help You Achieve Results

In search of a medical solution to help you shrink your waistline?

NewMeMD can help... with our Phentermine program.

Phentermine is prescription medications that's been used for decades as an appetite suppressant. 

Not only is it distributed worldwide in the healthcare industry, it is also well-known for effectively treating obesity when combined with diet and exercise.

Phentermine is readily available in the form of tablets or easy swallow capsules, depending on your preference (or our NewMeMD physicians' recommendation). When trying to lose weight successfully, phentermine could be a viable option to take into consideration.
Here are four of the many benefits of taking phentermine as a weight loss supplement:

1. It only has to be taken for a short period of time to see results.

2. You only take it once a day before any meal (unless directed otherwise by our NewMeMD doctors).

3. It is highly recommended by physicians and can be quite effective for obesity or even those who are in remission for obesity.

4. If you miss a dose, you never have to double up the following day.

Overall, phentermine can be highly beneficial for weight loss with its ability to suppress your hunger and appetite, while keeping your mood leveled.

If you believe phentermine could be the answer to your weight loss goals contact us at NewMeMD.com TODAY!

Here's to bigger results and smaller waistlines!

--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

High Five! 5 Myths About High Fructose Corn Syrup Debunked

Did you know?!

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a sweetener used by many companies as an alternative to sucrose (otherwise known as table sugar), containing 24% water and the remainder of fructose and glucose. 

This corn syrup is used in many processed foods and beverages as a cheap alternative to sucrose, while tasting just as sweet.

As the use of High Fructose Corn Syrup is steadily rising, many people have questioned how it compares to the consumption of real table sugar.

Here's a list from our NewMeMD Wellness Team of 5 common myths about High Fructose Corn Syrup, in hopes that we can create a better understanding about what it REALLY is, and how it can affect your weight...

Myth #1: Sugar is healthier than High Fructose Corn Syrup.
What you should REALLY know:
High fructose corn syrup is basically the SAME as sugar in terms of composition and the number of calories-- Therefore our bodies actually absorb them the same way. This means that products which are labeled to appear lower in sugar may NOT always be a healthier alternative.

Myth #2: High Fructose Corn Syrup can be blamed for obesity and diabetes.

What you should REALLY know:
There is no scientific evidence that High Fructose Corn Syrup is the culprit behind ANY medical condition. In fact, the American Medical Association has even concluded that High Fructose Corn Syrup does not appear to contribute to obesity any more than regular table sugar. In other words, it's not the ingredients in foods or drinks which are causing us to gain weight... it's our CHOICES in foods and drinks (as well as the portions!) that we consume on a daily basis.

Myth #3: High Fructose Corn Syrup is used primarily to sweeten foods and beverages.

What you should REALLY know
High Fructose Corn Syrup plays a key role in the actual production of foods and beverages, which is many times unrelated to the sweetness of the product. So just because you opt for something salty as a mid-afternoon snack or post-dinner treat does NOT mean it's HFCS-free.

Myth #4: High Fructose Corn Syrup blocks my body’s ability to know when it is full.

What you should REALLY know
Multiple studies have shown High Fructose Corn Syrup has similar effects on satiety (or feelings of fullness) as sugar and 1% milk. Translation-- Managing your munchies with products containing HFCS probably won't hold you over in between meals longer. You may, in fact, feel hungrier even sooner!

Myth #5: High Fructose Corn Syrup, fructose & corn syrup are all the same.

What you should REALLY know
These three are all different with distinctly different functions. CORN SYRUP is mainly comprised of glucose and is usually used for enhancing the flavor of foods. FRUCTOSE is the sugar found in honey, vine fruits, berries & most root vegetables.When some of the glucose from CORN SYRUP is converted to a synthetic, potently sweet version of FRUCTOSE, that's when you get HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP.

By having a much better awareness about the foods we eat as well as the ingredients we are putting into our bodies, we can be much wiser about making healthier lifestyle changes...which of course, can yield even bigger WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS (especially in conjunction with one of our medical weight loss programs)!

For more information on healthy dieting options or details about our medical weight loss solutions visit our website at: 
NewMeMD.com TODAY.

Here's to a healthy 2014!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rise n' Shine: How B-12 Shots from NewMeMD Can Benefit YOU

Vitamin B-12 (also known as cyanocobalamin) is important for the normal functioning of our brain and nervous system, along with the formation of blood cells in our bodies.

This particular nutrient is offered most often in pill form, but has become increasingly popular in the form of an injection. 

B-12 supplementation is especially well known in the weight loss community today, because patients undergoing a prescription diet regimen (like our hCG weight loss program here at NewMeMD ) have been known to experience significant benefits from receiving a B-12 shot once (or even twice) a week.

So what's all the hype about, you may ask?! Well here are just 5 benefits of Vitamin B-12 injections and why they've become prevalent among dieters as well as the health-conscious nationwide:

1. B-12 is great for increasing metabolism, which can also contribute to the side effect of improved weight loss. When combined with other weight loss regimens, this natural substance can trigger a faster action of losing weight (results, however, may vary from patient to patient).

2. B-12 can provide a noticeable boost in your energy levels.
Since Vitamin B-12 works with your central nervous system to help your body utilize fat & carbohydrates for energy, receiving a shot of this supplement could give you that extra oomph you need to power through your workload or fitness routine for the week!

3. B-12 can improve your sense of well being and/or your emotional state.

Vitamin B-12 has been found to work very well with the neurotransmitters in your brain. This means just one shot a week could be enough to balance your mental and emotional happiness, providing you with an overall better mood and even the prevention of mood swings!

4. Like many other injectable remedies, B-12 shots could work much more efficiently than oral supplementation.
When B-12 is injected directly into your bloodstream rather than ingested in pill form, you are less likely to lose any of its health benefits through your own digestion process. This means B-12 shots may actually offer you a much better value for your investment instead of buying it off a store shelf!

5. B-12 can help in the prevention of blood clots.
With this vitamin's ability to act as a blood thinner, they could actually be instrumental in advoiding medical conditions like a stroke from occurring. Along with preventing blood clots, Vitamin B-12 is additionally beneficial for the prevention and/or treatment of memory loss as well as Alzheimer’s disease!

Overall, Vitamin B-12 is necessary for normal body function and overall health, but it has also recently been found to contribute to weight loss and even disease prevention. 

At NewMeMD we can measure your levels of B-12 in order to determine your exact deficiency (if any), so we can provide you with what you need based on your wellness goals. Mention this blog when you call us and we'll even give you a FREE B-12 shot at your visit (that's a $25 value)!*

For more information about our B-12 shots or to schedule your appointment NOW visit NewMeMD.com.

*New patients only. Promotion expires 1/17/14.

3 Ways Your New Year's Resolution Can Be a Sticky Situation... in a Good Way

Many of us go into the new year with the resolution to LOSE WEIGHT ... 

But most of us, however, make little progress toward accomplishing this goal. 

In most cases losing weight is a great start toward living a much healthier and more productive lifestyle, so don’t give up on your goal just yet! Here are 3 tips to help you succeed in your resolution to lose weight in 2014:

1) Prepay for a gym membership.
If you pay for your workouts in advance, you will be more likely to get use out of the money you've invested! Nobody wants to feel like they have lost or wasted their hard-earned cash. Go ahead and pick an exercise facility, pay for that monthly membership and make a mandatory schedule of exact days when you plan to exercise!

2) Shout about your goals to become healthier.
Make it known to friends, family & the world that you have a goal to lose weight or get in shape for 2014. 
You can even announce this on your social media channels (or any other platform for that matter), and doing so will put pressure on you to follow through with your goal as well as gain support and encouragement from others along the way!

3) Get a workout or weight loss partner.It's easy to talk yourself out of going to the gym or making more healthful eating choices... but having someone (or even a support team to hold you accountable) can push you and motivate you along the way. And that's how we at NewMeMD can be 
a great help. Our wellness team can help you reach your goals and we'll be with you every step of the way to experience AND share in your weight loss success!
So just when you feel like it’s time to give up on your intentions to trim down or live a healthier lifestyle this year, keep these 3 tips in mind to ensure your resolution actually becomes reality.. You can even contact our health experts at NewMeMD for details about our medically supervised WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMS.

For additional weight loss tips or to jumpstart your healthier lifestyle NOW visit NewMeMD.com TODAY!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Be the Bread Winner in 2014 by Cutting Out More Carbs

Let's confess...foods high in carbohydrates can sometimes be the most difficult thing to cut out of our diets, especially when we are on a medical weight loss program.

But in order to start of the new year on the right foot we at NewMeMD suggest you really limit your carb intake in order to get the best weight loss results possible... which is 
why we've come up with a list of 10 items for you to cut out of your vocabulary!

If you can do without these 10 foods for, say, 30 days (we like to be realistic), you should be well on your way to fitting back in those skinny jeans, especially while on your hCG weight loss program.

Here are the foods our NewMeMD wellness team suggests you "just say no" to:

 1. Hash browns
 2. Mashed potatoes
 3. Lasagna
 4. Spaghetti
 5. Pancakes
 6. Scalloped potatoes
 7. Macaroni & cheese
 8. Pasta salad
 9. Chips
10. Pizza 
(this is definitely the most difficult one for us at NewMeMD !)

So after reading this list, pick your jaw up off the floor, and get to the store for some healthier foods to keep/cook at home. You'll be down to your goal weight in no time, we promise!

For more healthy food ideas or details about our NewMeMD medical weight loss programs check out our web site TODAY: NewMeMD.com.

Here's healthier first week of 2014!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team