Monday, January 20, 2014

NewMeMD : 5 Ways to Spice Things Up & Slim It Down

Let’s be honest, talking about beginning a weight loss program is all too common and doesn’t exactly make the headline news. 

Most of us, unfortunately, view this as a routine of dull and boring exercise in combination with a whole lot of bland (or even horrible-tasting) food. For this reason, many overweight people fail to take the plunge into successfully losing weight by sticking to and finishing a routine. Well NewMeMD is here to help!

With a little bit of imagination & motivation in your weight loss routine, you can have a life-changing experience... and h
ere are several suggestions from our NewMeMD Wellness Team to get you started:

1) Make your goal charitable!
Sign up for a fun run or a mini-marathon to raise money for a charity of your choice, while also exercising! Not only are you working on losing weight, but you will also be benefiting others, therefore pushing yourself harder.

2) Get a gym buddy!
Friends and relatives can join in the fun with you while losing weight. A little conversation is a great way to help pass time, and a new partner might have new ideas for fun and interesting exercises! You can also throw in some friendly competition to keep both of you moving.

3) Change your workout!
Don’t spend too much time on one or two machines. You can try a class once or twice a week such as yoga, zumba, or spinning. Keep on changing routines when it gets too familiar to stay away from boredom!

4) Buy a new outfit!
Ditch the t-shirts & sweat pants... and go buy a new workout ensemble to help you feel refreshed and comfortable. Proper workout attire will soak up that sweat and pull it away from your body, making you feel good and look good, giving you the extra boost of confidence you need to give it your all in a workout routine.

5) Take it outside!
Get out and breathe some fresh air! Take a break from that stuffy gym and move outdoors. Take a brisk walk, jog at your favorite park or play a sport with some friends with a little sportsmanship competition!
The reward of weight loss goes further than good looks, it improves self-esteem and confidence, mental energy and positive thinking. 

So, the trick of sticking to a weight loss regimen is to enhance or spice up your routine with new and fun ideas. 

For additional tips on achieving waistline-whittling success or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs, visit TODAY!

Here’s to spicing it up and slimming it down!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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