Saturday, January 4, 2014

Be the Bread Winner in 2014 by Cutting Out More Carbs

Let's confess...foods high in carbohydrates can sometimes be the most difficult thing to cut out of our diets, especially when we are on a medical weight loss program.

But in order to start of the new year on the right foot we at NewMeMD suggest you really limit your carb intake in order to get the best weight loss results possible... which is 
why we've come up with a list of 10 items for you to cut out of your vocabulary!

If you can do without these 10 foods for, say, 30 days (we like to be realistic), you should be well on your way to fitting back in those skinny jeans, especially while on your hCG weight loss program.

Here are the foods our NewMeMD wellness team suggests you "just say no" to:

 1. Hash browns
 2. Mashed potatoes
 3. Lasagna
 4. Spaghetti
 5. Pancakes
 6. Scalloped potatoes
 7. Macaroni & cheese
 8. Pasta salad
 9. Chips
10. Pizza 
(this is definitely the most difficult one for us at NewMeMD !)

So after reading this list, pick your jaw up off the floor, and get to the store for some healthier foods to keep/cook at home. You'll be down to your goal weight in no time, we promise!

For more healthy food ideas or details about our NewMeMD medical weight loss programs check out our web site TODAY:

Here's healthier first week of 2014!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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