Thursday, January 9, 2014

3 Ways Your New Year's Resolution Can Be a Sticky Situation... in a Good Way

Many of us go into the new year with the resolution to LOSE WEIGHT ... 

But most of us, however, make little progress toward accomplishing this goal. 

In most cases losing weight is a great start toward living a much healthier and more productive lifestyle, so don’t give up on your goal just yet! Here are 3 tips to help you succeed in your resolution to lose weight in 2014:

1) Prepay for a gym membership.
If you pay for your workouts in advance, you will be more likely to get use out of the money you've invested! Nobody wants to feel like they have lost or wasted their hard-earned cash. Go ahead and pick an exercise facility, pay for that monthly membership and make a mandatory schedule of exact days when you plan to exercise!

2) Shout about your goals to become healthier.
Make it known to friends, family & the world that you have a goal to lose weight or get in shape for 2014. 
You can even announce this on your social media channels (or any other platform for that matter), and doing so will put pressure on you to follow through with your goal as well as gain support and encouragement from others along the way!

3) Get a workout or weight loss partner.It's easy to talk yourself out of going to the gym or making more healthful eating choices... but having someone (or even a support team to hold you accountable) can push you and motivate you along the way. And that's how we at NewMeMD can be 
a great help. Our wellness team can help you reach your goals and we'll be with you every step of the way to experience AND share in your weight loss success!
So just when you feel like it’s time to give up on your intentions to trim down or live a healthier lifestyle this year, keep these 3 tips in mind to ensure your resolution actually becomes reality.. You can even contact our health experts at NewMeMD for details about our medically supervised WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMS.

For additional weight loss tips or to jumpstart your healthier lifestyle NOW visit TODAY!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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