Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Three Reasons Counting Calories Really Counts in Your Diet Plan

Tracking calories used to be a real pain... looking up the information and keeping a paper diary. Who's got the time? But today, so many apps are available to help you keep honest track of what you're consuming each day. Now that it's so simple, there's really no reason not to count your calories, but there are at least three important reasons why you should:

1. Limit overeating: Let’s face it: overeating is a very easy thing to do. While it is perfectly fine to pig out every once in a while, making it a habit will catch up with you faster than you think. Tracking calories is a great way to prevent overeating because you will be aware of the amount you are consuming. Just make sure you're honest and accurate with yourself about your caloric intake. Pay close attention to serving sizes. Then, when you hit your calorie limit for the day, stop eating. Drink lots of water to feel more full or go for very low calorie vegetables like celery if you must eat something.

2. Lose fat: In order to lose fat one must create a caloric deficit. Just simply eat a certain amount below the maintenance caloric intake for your weight and YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. If you're not actually counting calories, you might feel like you haven't eaten a lot that day, so you deserve something extra. Give yourself real data to know that you have room in your diet for that extra popcorn or apple that you crave.
3. Maintain your weight loss: For those who have lost a lot of weight and plan to keep it off, counting calories is critical. It allows you to indulge in some sweets or salty snacks by cutting back in another area. You can give yourself a daily limit of calories to spend on these particular foods, or if you go really wild one day, you know you can balance it out the next day. 

Counting calories is an important part of a long-term healthy lifestyle. What benefits or challenges have you experienced logging your daily food intake? Let us know in the comments!

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Here’s to spicing it up and slimming it down!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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