Saturday, February 1, 2014

How hCG Can Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Motivation is key to successful weight loss, but that knowledge isn't always enough to keep even the most dedicated dieters on track. Weight loss results, especially early on in a diet program, can give you the drive you need to keep going and achieve your goals.

A medically supervised hCG program can be a great way to drop up to 4 pant sizes in as little as one month, boosting your weight loss efforts and keeping you focused on success.

So what is hCG? hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It's a hormone our bodies naturally produce. Studies on this particular hormone have shown weight loss benefits for women, and several more scientific medical studies report that hCG could even aid in increasing fat loss and curbing hunger (under proper supervision of a healthcare professional).

Based on these findings, our NewMeMD wellness team has developed a safe and effective prescription hCG diet program that gives you:

  • A FREE initial consultation with one of our wellness consultants, to discuss your WEIGHT LOSS goals & devise a realistic program specific to your needs
  • Thorough evaluation by a physician including a physical exam & an EKG 
  • Comprehensive lab work (such as cholesterol testing) 
  • Weekly follow-up appointments for a weigh-in, dietary analysis and even an energy-boosting B12 shot
  • Our complete NewMeMD hCG diet guide
  • 30-day supplies of HCG injections and/or prescription appetite suppressants (based on your medical history & our physicians' recommendations for you)
In a nutshell... You'll have the tools and support you need to shed that unwanted fat and stay on track toward your weight loss goals.  

Our NewMeMD hCG plan works in three phases to burn the most possible fat and guarantee weight loss. Visit our web site to learn more and get started today!

Here's to staying motivated and dropping those extra pounds fast!

--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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