Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An hCG-Friendly Recipe You Can Twist & Shout About

In order to see significant results on your NewMeMD hCG weight loss program, it's important to pay careful attention to everything you cook and eat. 

That doesn't mean, however, that you can only consume boring or bland-tasting foods. 

Luckily our NewMeMD wellness team has an elaborate list of hCG -friendly (AND delicious) recipes available for you to try!

Sweet Lemon Chicken

-100 grams of chicken breast, sliced thin
- ½ lemon rind
- 1 Tablespoon of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
-½ can of low-sodium chicken broth
-cayenne pepper, salt & Stevia for taste.

Slice up ½ a lemon into quarters and add water. In a sauce pan, boil your lemon quarters until the pulp comes out of the rind. Add broth, sliced chicken and Liquid Aminos acid with spices to taste (spices are optional). Simmer on low heat until chicken is cooked and sauce is reduced by half. De-glaze periodically with water if necessary. When fully cooked, serve & enjoy eating healthfully!

Nutritional Info:
Calories per serving: 119.2 
Protein: 25.5 grams
Total Fat: 1.3 grams
Total Carbohydrates: 2.4 grams 

At NewMeMD we understand that dieters can often face the dilemmas of making smarter food choices or simply staying away from large meal portions in order to maintain the effectiveness of their weight loss regimens. That's why we highly recommend your hCG diet program be administered, guided & monitored by knowledgeable weight loss professionals (such as our NewMeMD physicians & medical staff).

For additional tips about healthier eating or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs TODAY visit

Here's to changing our diets as well as our waistlines!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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