Sunday, February 9, 2014

For 'Veal' Though! NewMeMD 's hCG-Friendly Recipe of the Week

Being on our prescription hCG weight loss program at NewMeMD doesn't mean you have to eat bland foods or live by a boring meal plan while you're shedding those excess pounds. 

How is this possible? Because there's a multitude of creative ways to prepare meals that are both hCG-friendly AND delicious as well! Here's a new recipe from your NewMeMD Wellness Team for you to try... Feel free to use lean beef or even skinless chicken breast as a substitute if you'd like.

Spinach with Veal & Crunchy Apple Salad (280 total cal.)

What you'll need:
- ¼ cup spiced chai tea (we recommend Lipton Spiced Cinnamon Chai Tea. 0 cal.)
- 3.5 oz. veal or lean beef (175 cal.)
- 2 cups of spinach leaves (24 cal.)
-1 medium apple cut into small pieces (81 cal.)

How to make it:
1) Pour your spiced chai tea in a pan with salt, pepper and other calorie-free herbs of your choice as desired. 

2) Add veal and apple pieces to the pan and simmer on medium heat until the veal appears well-cooked. 
3) Cut the veal into bite size pieces. 
4) Place your spinach into a deep bowl. 
5) Add the veal and apple combo to your spinach and mix with any juices from the pan (adding more tea makes more juice, which serves as your salad dressing). 
6) Toss, serve and enjoy!

hCG-friendly meal suggestions like these can help keep you feel fuller or more satisfied while you're losing weight. These dishes can even be enjoyed if you're no longer on our prescription hCG program!

So remember: Having high levels of lean, unprocessed proteins paired with hearty servings of fruits & veggies can actually taste really good, and the only thing that will be missing are the extra calories.

For additional tips about eating more healthfully or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs TODAY visit

Here's to smaller waistlines... for 'Veal' though!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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