Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Is a Gluten-Free or Low-Carb Diet Right for You?

From afternoon talk shows and magazines to your local grocery store, gluten-free and low-carb products are everywhere. We all seem to know someone who has had weight loss success on one these diets, but in order for one of them to work for you, you must consider the differences between them and figure out which one is best for you. 

These diets seem similar because many of the same foods can work on either plan, but a diet low in carbohydrates is not necessarily gluten-free and vice versa.

Gluten-free diets are most effective for people with a gluten allergy or sensitivity. Eating gluten causes these people a range of symptoms, especially gastrointestinal, some very severe. The percentage of people affected by this is not large, but some people suffer for years without knowing they do not tolerate gluten well. 

Gluten is found primarily in foods made from wheat, so eliminating gluten from the diet does exclude many high-carbohydrate options such as bread and pasta. However, some gluten-free packaged foods replace the wheat with other high-carb substitutes. Also, fruits and other sugary foods would not be restricted on a gluten-free diet.

Low-carb diets work by controlling the level of insulin in your body which leads to burning fat for energy. Some low-carb diets call for specific combinations of foods to lose weight. Others encourage a more vegetable-based approach and some even tell you to eat all the meat and cheese that you want. The main thing is to avoid sugar, even from unprocessed sources like fresh fruit. Starchy vegetables are also a big no-no. The amount of carbs allowed each day varies from person to person, but the range is around 50-150 grams of carbs per day. Most low-carb plans would be gluten-free just because foods that contain wheat are so naturally high in carbohydrates.  

Either diet plan can be effective for weight loss. It is up to you to pay attention to what you are eating and read nutrition labels.
A NewMeMD wellness consultant can help you find the right diet plan for your lifestyle. Learn more about safe and healthy weight loss and find out how to book your free consultation at TODAY!

Here’s to a diet that works for YOU!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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