Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Four Fat Burning Foods to Supercharge Your Weight Loss

Every dieter knows the basic equation that makes you lose weight. If you metabolize more calories than you consume each day, you'll lose weight. But we all know, it's not always that simple. A number of factors can impact how quickly you shed pounds, even if you're sticking to your diet plan.

Try adding a few of these fat-burning foods to your diet to become a calorie-crushing powerhouse:

Lean meats and fish: Protein has a high thermogenic effect. That means you can actually burn about 30% calories of the food during digestion. For example, your body will burn about 90 calories when breaking down a 300-calorie chicken breast for digestion.

Low-fat dairy: Dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D, vitamins and minerals that preserve bone density and build muscle mass, which is essential for maintaining a robust metabolism and a strong support for the body.

Bell peppers: These veggies also show very high thermogenic effect, so you'll burn calories as your body processes them. Peppers and some other vegetables contain nutrients and compounds that stoke your metabolic fire and keep you burning calories all day long.

Whole grains: Compared to more processed foods, your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods, especially those very rich in fiber, such as oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice. Try lentils, too. Just one cup of these fat burning grains can pack 35% of your iron needs which is also essential for maintaining strong metabolism.

For more fat-burning tips or to get started on a medically supervised weight loss program visit NewMeMD.com TODAY!

Here's to firing up your metabolism and getting rid of that excess weight for life!

--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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