Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No Gain, No Pain! NewMeMD 's 5 Favorite Fat Burning Foods for Fall & Winter

With Thanksgiving and the rest of the winter holidays just on the horizon, it can sound like a diet sabotage is practically inevitable no matter where you go.

But good news: Eating during this time of year doesn't have to be associated with just those baked sugary treats and calorie-laden party spreads. 

That's because some of the most common fall and winter foods out there can actually help, not hurt, your waistline!

Here are 5 waist-trimming foods our NewMeMD wellness team recommends (and what they can do for you):

1. Sweet Potatoes

These yummy root plants are a great source of fiber, which can help you keep feel fuller longer. Yams can also help you burn some extra calories by kicking your digestive system into overdrive (in order to break down all that fiber efficiently). What's more, sweet spuds contain hormones that help regulate your blood sugar, which can help suppress those nagging cravings for that holiday cheesecake in the break room, or a soon-to-be-regretted trip to the office vending machine!

2. Dark Chocolate
Everyone’s favorite indulgence actually contains two ingredients which have been found to boost metabolism: caffeine and the antioxidant catechin. But just like any other sweet treat, moderation is key (of course). Opt for an organic dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa, and be sure to stick to a small square a day so the sugar and calories don’t outweigh the fat burning potential!

3. Cinnamon
This is the time of the year when the smell of cinnamon is practically everywhere... and that's a good thing! This warming fall spice has been shown to slow digestion and regulate blood sugar levels (which again, helps kick bad cravings to the curb). Cinnamon can also boost your metabolism which, as a result, can stimulate your system to shed some of those excess calories!

4. Turkey

Yes that’s right, bird is the word... your post-Thanksgiving leftovers can actually help you shed some fat! Considered as lean protein, turkey keeps you full while burning calories to help you digest it. When preparing your main course serving, however, try to reach for the breast meat (which is the leanest) to keep your caloric intake down even more.

5. Grapefruit
This big ol' juicy citrus fruit is prime for picking in autumn and winter, so buy some and stock plenty of it this season! Grapefruits are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which not only helps you stay fuller longer, it can lead you to eat significantly less throughout the day. Try tossing small grapefruit segments into a hearty salad for lunch along with a low calorie raspberry vinaigrette for a refreshing combination!

For information about our medically supervised weight loss programs or our NEW body contouring treatments be sure to visit NewMeMD.com TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation: (251)287-9714.

Here's to no gain (and no pain staying trim) this fall & winter!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fin for Yourself: NewMeMD 's hCG -Friendly Italian Cioppino

You may currently be on an hCG weight loss program... but that doesn't mean you can't have Italian food for tonight.

Try this low calorie, high flavor seafood dinner idea from our NewMeMD Wellness Team... for Italian hCG-friendly Cioppino!

- 100g of fish or seafood of choice
- 1 chopped tomato
- 2 cups of organic, low sodium chicken broth
- 2 to 3 cloves of minced garlic
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 tsp. dehydrated onion
- 1 tsp. parsley
- ¼ tsp. oregano
- ¼ tsp. basil
- ¼ tsp. rosemary
- 1/8 tsp. fennel seeds
- salt & pepper (to taste)
Tabasco Sauce (optional)

1. Combine minced onion, parsley, oregano, basil, rosemary and fennel seeds in a food processor or grinder and grind.
2. Add seasonings and all other ingredients except for the seafood and Tabasco Sauce in a saucepan.

3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
4. Add fish and return to a boil.
5. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 5 to 15 more minutes. 

6. Remove bay leaf.
6. Top with a dash of salt, pepper and/or Tabasco just before serving (if desired).
7. Cool down, serve and enjoy eating hCG-friendly!

Nutritional Information:
Calories: 112.2 

Protein: 23.7 g
Carbohydrates: 0 g

Fat: 1.2 g

At NewMeMD our entire staff is committed to helping patients reach their health goals, which is why we offer a variety of physician-guided weight loss programs and even body contouring packages for just about anyone's needs.

For more information about our products & services visit NewMeMD.com 
TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251) 287-9714.

Here's to healthful Italian eating tonight!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Chillin' Out But Stayin' Warm: NewMeMD 's hCG-Friendly Chili Recipe

Feel that chill in the air? 

That, of course, informs many of us that the autumn season is officially here! 

This brisk weather is also a great reminder you that it’s a perfect time to cook up some homemade chili. 

And guess what?! Even if you’re on an hCG weight loss diet... recipes like our NewMeMD Fall Beef Chili will allow you still enjoy "chili weather" while staying on track with your current waistline slimming program. 

So go ahead-- Spice up your life a little... with this yummy & hCG-friendly dinner idea:

- 3.5 oz. extra lean ground beef (or ground chicken works too!)
- 1 medium t omato (pureed or use a 14 oz. can of organic diced tomatoes)

½ cup low sodium beef broth
¼ tsp minced garlic

Optional spices you can add based on taste preference
- ¼ tsp. black pepper
- ¼ tsp. cayenne
- ¼ tsp. onion powder
- ¼ tsp. garlic powder
- ½ tsp. oregano
- ¼ tsp. thyme
- ¼ tsp. cumin
- ¼ tsp. chili powder
- ¼ tsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos

1. Saute garlic over medium heat using a little liquid, so your garlic won’t burn. 

2. Add beef and let brown. Be sure to keep moving the beef in your pan so it doesn’t burn (since it's extra lean beef and there's practically zero fat). Add more liquid if needed, about a tablespoon at a time.
3. While meat is browning, dice up tomato and puree in blender. Add a little broth or water to help it move around a little in the blender if needed.
4. Once meat is brown add the tomato puree and ½ cup of the liquid. 

5. Begin adding spices, and try a little at a time if you are unsure of how much to use. 
6. Allow chili to simmer on medium/low heat for about 15 minutes or until it reaches the consistency you like (for thicker chili, cook for an additional 15 minutes).
7. Serve & enjoy your hCG-friendly chili!

Nutritional facts & information

Serving size: 359 g
Calories per serving: 209.3

Protein: 26.9 g
Total fat: 6.3 g
Total carbs: 11.8 g
Dietary fiber: 2.8 g

For more information about our weight loss products & services visit NewMeMD.com TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251)287-9714.

Here's to chillin' out, stayin' warm and gettin' skinny!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall Back Into Those Skinny Jeans Again! 4 Easy Weight Loss Tips from NewMeMD

"If only losing weight was as easy as losing your cell phone, your keys, your temper or even your mind..."

Let’s face it. The best weight loss strategies are sometimes the ones that stand the test of time. 

That's why our NewMedMD Wellness Team recommends these 4 simple strategies which, although they may not sound as sexy as the latest fad diets out there, they're sure to never go out of style:

1. Rethink your goals.
If you focus on maintaining your weight rather than losing it, believe it or not... you will likely see more significant (not to mention lasting) results. Those of us waistline watchers with this type of mindset tend to stick to much healthier lifestyles for a longer period of time and eventually lose more weight over time (this has even been documented by researchers!).

2. Use your kitchen.
Because of our busy lifestyles and the convenience of restaurant delivery, Americans today order takeout about three nights a week on average (yikes). You can certainly save yourself a big chunk o' change plus a whopping 900 calories a week simply by cooking at home with better ingredients.

3. Perfect your portions.

Well-controlled portion sizes can prevent you from overdoing your daily intake of calories, which can of course lead to weight gain over time. Instead try measuring food by "eyeballing" the ideal amount you should have without cups, spoons or scales (click here for a really cool portion size guide we found online).

4. Catch more zzzzs.
Skimping on slumber can eventually cause us to eat more fatty, high calorie foods the following day, and even day after that. If possible, aim for about seven to eight hours of sleep each night to avoid unnecessary binges. Even turning down your thermostat a bit at night can rev up your metabolism a little more while you're off in Dreamland.

At NewMeMD our medical experts can customize a weight loss program designed specifically for your needs. We'll also provide you with the ongoing support and nutritional guidance you need to keep you on track every single step of the way. 

Wanna see for yourself? Click here for information about our products & services NOW.

Here's to a skinnier reflection in the mirror that will surely have you saying, "OMG! is that me?!"
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team