Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall Back Into Those Skinny Jeans Again! 4 Easy Weight Loss Tips from NewMeMD

"If only losing weight was as easy as losing your cell phone, your keys, your temper or even your mind..."

Let’s face it. The best weight loss strategies are sometimes the ones that stand the test of time. 

That's why our NewMedMD Wellness Team recommends these 4 simple strategies which, although they may not sound as sexy as the latest fad diets out there, they're sure to never go out of style:

1. Rethink your goals.
If you focus on maintaining your weight rather than losing it, believe it or not... you will likely see more significant (not to mention lasting) results. Those of us waistline watchers with this type of mindset tend to stick to much healthier lifestyles for a longer period of time and eventually lose more weight over time (this has even been documented by researchers!).

2. Use your kitchen.
Because of our busy lifestyles and the convenience of restaurant delivery, Americans today order takeout about three nights a week on average (yikes). You can certainly save yourself a big chunk o' change plus a whopping 900 calories a week simply by cooking at home with better ingredients.

3. Perfect your portions.

Well-controlled portion sizes can prevent you from overdoing your daily intake of calories, which can of course lead to weight gain over time. Instead try measuring food by "eyeballing" the ideal amount you should have without cups, spoons or scales (click here for a really cool portion size guide we found online).

4. Catch more zzzzs.
Skimping on slumber can eventually cause us to eat more fatty, high calorie foods the following day, and even day after that. If possible, aim for about seven to eight hours of sleep each night to avoid unnecessary binges. Even turning down your thermostat a bit at night can rev up your metabolism a little more while you're off in Dreamland.

At NewMeMD our medical experts can customize a weight loss program designed specifically for your needs. We'll also provide you with the ongoing support and nutritional guidance you need to keep you on track every single step of the way. 

Wanna see for yourself? Click here for information about our products & services NOW.

Here's to a skinnier reflection in the mirror that will surely have you saying, "OMG! is that me?!"
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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