Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No Gain, No Pain! NewMeMD 's 5 Favorite Fat Burning Foods for Fall & Winter

With Thanksgiving and the rest of the winter holidays just on the horizon, it can sound like a diet sabotage is practically inevitable no matter where you go.

But good news: Eating during this time of year doesn't have to be associated with just those baked sugary treats and calorie-laden party spreads. 

That's because some of the most common fall and winter foods out there can actually help, not hurt, your waistline!

Here are 5 waist-trimming foods our NewMeMD wellness team recommends (and what they can do for you):

1. Sweet Potatoes

These yummy root plants are a great source of fiber, which can help you keep feel fuller longer. Yams can also help you burn some extra calories by kicking your digestive system into overdrive (in order to break down all that fiber efficiently). What's more, sweet spuds contain hormones that help regulate your blood sugar, which can help suppress those nagging cravings for that holiday cheesecake in the break room, or a soon-to-be-regretted trip to the office vending machine!

2. Dark Chocolate
Everyone’s favorite indulgence actually contains two ingredients which have been found to boost metabolism: caffeine and the antioxidant catechin. But just like any other sweet treat, moderation is key (of course). Opt for an organic dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa, and be sure to stick to a small square a day so the sugar and calories don’t outweigh the fat burning potential!

3. Cinnamon
This is the time of the year when the smell of cinnamon is practically everywhere... and that's a good thing! This warming fall spice has been shown to slow digestion and regulate blood sugar levels (which again, helps kick bad cravings to the curb). Cinnamon can also boost your metabolism which, as a result, can stimulate your system to shed some of those excess calories!

4. Turkey

Yes that’s right, bird is the word... your post-Thanksgiving leftovers can actually help you shed some fat! Considered as lean protein, turkey keeps you full while burning calories to help you digest it. When preparing your main course serving, however, try to reach for the breast meat (which is the leanest) to keep your caloric intake down even more.

5. Grapefruit
This big ol' juicy citrus fruit is prime for picking in autumn and winter, so buy some and stock plenty of it this season! Grapefruits are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which not only helps you stay fuller longer, it can lead you to eat significantly less throughout the day. Try tossing small grapefruit segments into a hearty salad for lunch along with a low calorie raspberry vinaigrette for a refreshing combination!

For information about our medically supervised weight loss programs or our NEW body contouring treatments be sure to visit NewMeMD.com TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation: (251)287-9714.

Here's to no gain (and no pain staying trim) this fall & winter!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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