Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lean Into Weight Loss with Ultra Lean from NewMeMD

Since Garcinia Cambogia was featured on TV by a famous doctor and called it: “The Holy Grail of Fat Loss,” it has become one of the biggest diet crazes in the country. 

Known to effectively burn fat, this extract was discovered from a tropical fruit only grown in Asian tropical rain forests. Since its TV feature, many diet supplement manufacturers have been crawling out of the woodwork to create their own version of Garcinia Cambogia with wild claims as to its benefits. As new companies burst into the market with their own proprietary formulas, it has become harder to separate fact from fiction, as well as premium preparations from worthless imitations. If you've been shopping around for your own bottle of Garcinia Cambogia, look no further!

Our medical staff at NewMeMD is absolutely ecstatic about the release of our NEW product called Ultra Lean (which will be on NewMeMD shelves soon!). What is it exactly?! It's a pharmaceutical-grade Garcinia Cambogia supplement. That means pure Garcinia and NO fillers! 

Aside from being free of additives, our Ultra Lean supplements can be considered top quality because each recommended serving contains a whopping 840mg of HCA (hydroxycitric acid—which is the active ingredient derived from Garcinia) per daily dose. They also contain a small amount of potassium, which has been found to help with HCA absorption. Receiving better absorption from your daily dose of Ultra Lean means more effective weight management and ultimately, better results!

Our NEW Ultra Lean supplements have been expertly prepared based on scientific studies to give you the hunger control you need as well as positive results in fat reduction. And while Ultra Lean helps regulate your appetite it isn't a stimulant, so you won't experience the negative side effects that some weight loss pills can give you... like sleeplessness, or feeling jittery!

Just like any other dietary supplement you would consider adding into your daily regimen, Garcinia Cambogia should be approached the same way-- It's important to follow the advice of a physician, and to know you're getting a trustworthy product. Fortunately our NewMeMD doctors & wellness team can help you with both! 

One of our NewMeMD wellness consultants would be glad to help you find the right diet plan for your lifestyle in conjunction with our Ultra Lean supplements (COMING SOON!). To learn more about safe & healthy weight loss or to book your FREE consultation TODAY visit

Here’s to supplementing your diet and shedding those extra pounds!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An hCG-Friendly Recipe You Can Twist & Shout About

In order to see significant results on your NewMeMD hCG weight loss program, it's important to pay careful attention to everything you cook and eat. 

That doesn't mean, however, that you can only consume boring or bland-tasting foods. 

Luckily our NewMeMD wellness team has an elaborate list of hCG -friendly (AND delicious) recipes available for you to try!

Sweet Lemon Chicken

-100 grams of chicken breast, sliced thin
- ½ lemon rind
- 1 Tablespoon of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
-½ can of low-sodium chicken broth
-cayenne pepper, salt & Stevia for taste.

Slice up ½ a lemon into quarters and add water. In a sauce pan, boil your lemon quarters until the pulp comes out of the rind. Add broth, sliced chicken and Liquid Aminos acid with spices to taste (spices are optional). Simmer on low heat until chicken is cooked and sauce is reduced by half. De-glaze periodically with water if necessary. When fully cooked, serve & enjoy eating healthfully!

Nutritional Info:
Calories per serving: 119.2 
Protein: 25.5 grams
Total Fat: 1.3 grams
Total Carbohydrates: 2.4 grams 

At NewMeMD we understand that dieters can often face the dilemmas of making smarter food choices or simply staying away from large meal portions in order to maintain the effectiveness of their weight loss regimens. That's why we highly recommend your hCG diet program be administered, guided & monitored by knowledgeable weight loss professionals (such as our NewMeMD physicians & medical staff).

For additional tips about healthier eating or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs TODAY visit

Here's to changing our diets as well as our waistlines!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hit Me with Your Best Shot: Why Energy Drinks May NOT Be the Best Answer

We all need a little pick-me-up every now and then. Long days and late nights can leave you dragging by the afternoon. Some people head for the coffee pot, but more and more people are turning toward energy drinks. 

They're everywhere these days... from drinks larger than a soda to small energy shots. Most of the contain large amounts of caffeine to help you perk up, so just like coffee they provide a temporary energy boost. 

Many people don't think about the large amount of sugar also in these drinks as well as other less than helpful substances. Added sugar can cause weight gain and too much caffeine and other stimulants can lead to nervousness, irritability, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, and even elevated blood pressure.

Mixing energy drinks with alcohol could lead to even more problems. The stimulant effect dulls the sensations of intoxication, so you can end up drinking more than you should. The effects could be much worse than just a severe hangover.

For most people, an occasional energy drink here and there is fine, as long as you don’t exceed 16 ounces (500 milliliters) in a day. Of course, if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before consuming any energy drinks. Also, anyone with a heart condition, high blood pressure, or other cardiovascular risks should talk to their physician before drinking these products. 

If you are consistently feeling tired, fatigued or run down-- consider  better alternatives such as adequate sleep, good physical activity in your daily routine, a healthier diet or even Vitamin B12 supplementation. You can also schedule a FREE consultation with one of our NewMeMD wellness consultants if these strategies don’t work for you.

For additional tips on boosting your energy levels or for more information about our products & services visit TODAY.

Here's to increasing our energy the healthy way!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, February 13, 2014

3 Ways Body Wraps Put Up a Fight Against Cellulite

We all dream of having beautiful, smooth, and flawless looking skin. It’s not as easy or common as people make it look in the magazines, especially when it comes to unattractive annoyances like cellulite.

Cellulite is fat that gathers under the skin and collects around tissues, causing a dimpled and lumpy appearance. It’s a hereditary trait, but the physicians at NewMe MD have a way to help prevent and reduce the appearance of cellulite--with Body Wrap Treatment!

Here are 3 ways that body wraps can help with pesky cellulite and tightening up:

1) Body wraps are a healthy way to lose inches as long as proper hydration is maintained. The lost inches are not a loss of water, so with a combination of exercise and healthy diet the loss will become permanent.

2) The body wrap process was formulated to encourage circulatory and lymphatic flow which helps in the cleansing of the tissues just below the skin, preventing cellulite to form.

3) They aid in the removal of waste that has been trapped in the vulnerable parts of your body. The cleansing of the tissues helps to restore elasticity while preventing dehydration and aging of the skin.

Body wrap treatments will help you feel relaxed, moisturized, detoxified, cellulite-free, and noticeably slimmer after only a few sessions!

To schedule an appointment for Body Wrap Treatment or a FREE consultation for information on our other medically supervised weight loss programs, visit TODAY!

Here's to smoothing it out and showing it off!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Up..Up..and AWAY with the Calories! 6 Calorie-Slashing Food Swaps

While working towards your weight loss goals, eating the right foods will make a large contribution to your success. 

Completely changing your diet can seem overwhelming, but if you focus on healthy and manageable eating habits, it is believed to be sustainable long-term.

Swapping foods that are high in calories for lower calorie options will help you slim down and shape up! Here are 6 calorie slashing food swaps to kick-start your weight loss:

1) Instead of granola, eat oatmeal.
A 1/2 cup of granola can clock in at 200 calories, 5 grams of fat and 13 grams of sugar.
In comparison, a 1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal contains only 150 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, and 1 gram of sugar. You can add a few blueberries to give it the natural sweetness for only 8 more calories.

2) Instead of a breakfast sandwich, eat a veggie omelet. A Dunkin’ Donuts Bacon and Cheese English Muffin is about 300 calories and full of empty carbohydrates that can make you feel sluggish.
A veggie omelet is full of protein, giving you a longer lasting energy boost than a breakfast sandwich. A generous serving of tomatoes, mushrooms, or spinach with your eggs will make a delicious meal at only 150 calories.

3) Instead of fruit filled yogurt, eat plain yogurt and add fresh fruit. The concoction at the bottom of a fruit and yogurt blend typically contains more sugar than fruit. Slice up a few strawberries or throw some blueberries into your plain yogurt for a fresher take on the fruit and yogurt combo. A switch from Dannon’s blueberry fruit yogurt to the healthier alternative will save you 60 calories and 13 grams of sugar.

4) Instead of a latte, drink black coffee. 
Coffee is a strong source of antioxidants, but can be full of calories when sugar and cream is added. If you dislike the taste of black coffee, you can give it a splash of low-fat milk, a drizzle of honey, or a dash of cinnamon, saving you hundreds of calories over a latte.

5) Instead of a creamy tomato soup, eat a broth-based soup.
Don’t let the word “tomato” fool you. Creamy tomato soups are so thick because they are full of heavy cream, and a serving can set you back 500 calories! Stick with a broth-based soup with chunks of vegetables for a lower calorie option.

6) Instead of iceberg lettuce, eat spinach. Well, iceberg lettuce is not full of calories, it actually lacks calories and nutrition. Spinach however, is full of Iron, Magnesium, Folate, and vitamins A and C, which you need to boost your metabolism to get in shape!

For additional tips on healthy eating or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs, visit TODAY!

Here's to changing our diets for smaller waistlines!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team



Sunday, February 9, 2014

For 'Veal' Though! NewMeMD 's hCG-Friendly Recipe of the Week

Being on our prescription hCG weight loss program at NewMeMD doesn't mean you have to eat bland foods or live by a boring meal plan while you're shedding those excess pounds. 

How is this possible? Because there's a multitude of creative ways to prepare meals that are both hCG-friendly AND delicious as well! Here's a new recipe from your NewMeMD Wellness Team for you to try... Feel free to use lean beef or even skinless chicken breast as a substitute if you'd like.

Spinach with Veal & Crunchy Apple Salad (280 total cal.)

What you'll need:
- ¼ cup spiced chai tea (we recommend Lipton Spiced Cinnamon Chai Tea. 0 cal.)
- 3.5 oz. veal or lean beef (175 cal.)
- 2 cups of spinach leaves (24 cal.)
-1 medium apple cut into small pieces (81 cal.)

How to make it:
1) Pour your spiced chai tea in a pan with salt, pepper and other calorie-free herbs of your choice as desired. 

2) Add veal and apple pieces to the pan and simmer on medium heat until the veal appears well-cooked. 
3) Cut the veal into bite size pieces. 
4) Place your spinach into a deep bowl. 
5) Add the veal and apple combo to your spinach and mix with any juices from the pan (adding more tea makes more juice, which serves as your salad dressing). 
6) Toss, serve and enjoy!

hCG-friendly meal suggestions like these can help keep you feel fuller or more satisfied while you're losing weight. These dishes can even be enjoyed if you're no longer on our prescription hCG program!

So remember: Having high levels of lean, unprocessed proteins paired with hearty servings of fruits & veggies can actually taste really good, and the only thing that will be missing are the extra calories.

For additional tips about eating more healthfully or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs TODAY visit

Here's to smaller waistlines... for 'Veal' though!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Is a Gluten-Free or Low-Carb Diet Right for You?

From afternoon talk shows and magazines to your local grocery store, gluten-free and low-carb products are everywhere. We all seem to know someone who has had weight loss success on one these diets, but in order for one of them to work for you, you must consider the differences between them and figure out which one is best for you. 

These diets seem similar because many of the same foods can work on either plan, but a diet low in carbohydrates is not necessarily gluten-free and vice versa.

Gluten-free diets are most effective for people with a gluten allergy or sensitivity. Eating gluten causes these people a range of symptoms, especially gastrointestinal, some very severe. The percentage of people affected by this is not large, but some people suffer for years without knowing they do not tolerate gluten well. 

Gluten is found primarily in foods made from wheat, so eliminating gluten from the diet does exclude many high-carbohydrate options such as bread and pasta. However, some gluten-free packaged foods replace the wheat with other high-carb substitutes. Also, fruits and other sugary foods would not be restricted on a gluten-free diet.

Low-carb diets work by controlling the level of insulin in your body which leads to burning fat for energy. Some low-carb diets call for specific combinations of foods to lose weight. Others encourage a more vegetable-based approach and some even tell you to eat all the meat and cheese that you want. The main thing is to avoid sugar, even from unprocessed sources like fresh fruit. Starchy vegetables are also a big no-no. The amount of carbs allowed each day varies from person to person, but the range is around 50-150 grams of carbs per day. Most low-carb plans would be gluten-free just because foods that contain wheat are so naturally high in carbohydrates.  

Either diet plan can be effective for weight loss. It is up to you to pay attention to what you are eating and read nutrition labels.
A NewMeMD wellness consultant can help you find the right diet plan for your lifestyle. Learn more about safe and healthy weight loss and find out how to book your free consultation at TODAY!

Here’s to a diet that works for YOU!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Four Fat Burning Foods to Supercharge Your Weight Loss

Every dieter knows the basic equation that makes you lose weight. If you metabolize more calories than you consume each day, you'll lose weight. But we all know, it's not always that simple. A number of factors can impact how quickly you shed pounds, even if you're sticking to your diet plan.

Try adding a few of these fat-burning foods to your diet to become a calorie-crushing powerhouse:

Lean meats and fish: Protein has a high thermogenic effect. That means you can actually burn about 30% calories of the food during digestion. For example, your body will burn about 90 calories when breaking down a 300-calorie chicken breast for digestion.

Low-fat dairy: Dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D, vitamins and minerals that preserve bone density and build muscle mass, which is essential for maintaining a robust metabolism and a strong support for the body.

Bell peppers: These veggies also show very high thermogenic effect, so you'll burn calories as your body processes them. Peppers and some other vegetables contain nutrients and compounds that stoke your metabolic fire and keep you burning calories all day long.

Whole grains: Compared to more processed foods, your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods, especially those very rich in fiber, such as oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice. Try lentils, too. Just one cup of these fat burning grains can pack 35% of your iron needs which is also essential for maintaining strong metabolism.

For more fat-burning tips or to get started on a medically supervised weight loss program visit TODAY!

Here's to firing up your metabolism and getting rid of that excess weight for life!

--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Saturday, February 1, 2014

How hCG Can Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Motivation is key to successful weight loss, but that knowledge isn't always enough to keep even the most dedicated dieters on track. Weight loss results, especially early on in a diet program, can give you the drive you need to keep going and achieve your goals.

A medically supervised hCG program can be a great way to drop up to 4 pant sizes in as little as one month, boosting your weight loss efforts and keeping you focused on success.

So what is hCG? hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It's a hormone our bodies naturally produce. Studies on this particular hormone have shown weight loss benefits for women, and several more scientific medical studies report that hCG could even aid in increasing fat loss and curbing hunger (under proper supervision of a healthcare professional).

Based on these findings, our NewMeMD wellness team has developed a safe and effective prescription hCG diet program that gives you:

  • A FREE initial consultation with one of our wellness consultants, to discuss your WEIGHT LOSS goals & devise a realistic program specific to your needs
  • Thorough evaluation by a physician including a physical exam & an EKG 
  • Comprehensive lab work (such as cholesterol testing) 
  • Weekly follow-up appointments for a weigh-in, dietary analysis and even an energy-boosting B12 shot
  • Our complete NewMeMD hCG diet guide
  • 30-day supplies of HCG injections and/or prescription appetite suppressants (based on your medical history & our physicians' recommendations for you)
In a nutshell... You'll have the tools and support you need to shed that unwanted fat and stay on track toward your weight loss goals.  

Our NewMeMD hCG plan works in three phases to burn the most possible fat and guarantee weight loss. Visit our web site to learn more and get started today!

Here's to staying motivated and dropping those extra pounds fast!

--The NewMeMD Wellness Team