Sunday, March 30, 2014

NewMeMD 's List of 3 Foods Linked with Depression

Anybody who claims that they don't eat more during the summertime is a cheat and a liar. 

With all of the cookouts and family reunions of the season, many of us are having trouble finding healthy choices to eat.

And that is exactly the reason why it is impossible to secure a treadmill at a gym in June- our summer body resolutions are the exact reflections of our guilt. 

This is how we know that we are eating poorly, and our poor choices become habitual which is hard to control. Recent studies show that there's a possibility that eating certain foods is associated with depression.

Here are the Three Foods to Avoid in Excess this Summer Season:

1) Refined Foods. 

Pasta is a quick meal, which is great on those busy nights of doing your shopping or baking. Pasta, rice and bagels are foods that have been identified as inflammatory and have been linked to depression in women ages 50 to 77, according to an October 2013 study in the Journal of Brain Behavior and Immunity.

2) Soft Drinks. If you are buzzing around from store to store, how will you replenish those lost fluids…water for some, yes but for many, it’s all so easy to grab a cola on-the-go and proceed with what you were doing. A recent study has indicated that soft drinks (including diet ones), which are now part of our regular diets, may also contribute to depression.

3) Fast Food.
A recent report by the journal of Public Health Nutrition in a 2012 study in several cities mentions that "people who are used to eating fast food are 51% more likely to develop depression than those who don’t." The foods included in this article were commercial-baked goods, hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, which we all have easy access to due to them being everywhere.

If you think you could use a little guidance with your nutrition or would like to discuss a healthy, medically supervised weight loss solution that's right for you visit TODAY.

Here's to a happier season of good food & slimmer waistlines!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Sunday, March 23, 2014

3 Ways to Change Your Body by Changing Your Mindset

Losing weight is simple, right?! 

All you have to do is eat fewer calories than you burn. If that were really all there was to it, our population wouldn't be fighting an obesity epidemic and we'd all look like Jillian Michaels and Dolvett Quince from "The Biggest Loser." In fact, there wouldn't be a need for shows like "The Biggest Loser" in the first place.

Anyone who's ever turned to chocolate to deal with a bad day can tell you that weight loss and getting fit is complicated business. The body you have is controlled more by your mind than anything else. 

While it's not as simple as 1-2-3, if you feel you're holding yourself back with your thoughts and behaviors. Here are 3 steps from our NewMeMD wellness team that can get you over some of those mental hurdles.

1) Identify what's held you back before. 
Do you overeat when you're stressed? Angry? Sad? Have you often started successfully on a weight loss plan and gave up entirely because of one slip up? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of weight you're trying to lose? Do you hate to exercise? Determine what's held you back in the past.

2) Address your barriers to success. 
Decide how you can address what's holding you back. If you're an emotional eater, think of activities you can do instead of eating to help yourself feel better. Try talking to a friend, journaling, yoga or going for a walk. If exercise hasn't been your thing in the past, rethink what you're doing. If you hate going to the gym and hitting the treadmill, maybe you would enjoy swimming or a group fitness dance class instead. When you're trying to decide how to get over these hurdles, there's nothing wrong with asking others (like one of our NewMeMD wellness consultants) for help.

3) Replace negative thoughts with healthy ones. When you find negative thoughts entering your mind, try to shut them down and remind yourself that you're making a difference by trying to be healthier. Think about how much more energy and confidence you'll have when you reach your goals, and how, by taking the steps that you are, you're greatly lessening your chances of health problems later on. It's important to remember that it's about progress--not perfection.
A NewMeMD wellness consultant can work with you to design a customized, medically supervised weight loss plan. Visit to get started today!

Here's to clearing those weight loss hurdles and living healthier lives!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Friday, March 21, 2014

Think Spring with hCG-Friendly Veggie Wraps!

Sometimes low calorie recipes get the reputation of being bland and boring. With a little creativity, you can find exciting, tasty recipes that fit into your NewMeMD hCG weight loss program! 

Sticking to a reduced calorie limit CAN be simple-- especially with recipes like these salad veggie wraps. Not only are they delicious, veggies high and whole grains make them a filling option that can fight off hunger for hours. 

 Salad Veggie Wraps

-2 oz. fat free cream cheese (54)
-2 whole grain tortillas (100)
-1 tablespoon of fat free sour cream (9)
-1 cup shredded romaine lettuce (8)
-1 cup of sliced red tomatoes (32)
- 1/4 cup of finely sliced red onions (48)
- 1 sliced cucumber (45)
- 1 tablespoon of salt (0)

- 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes (35)

Place both tortillas on a flat surface. Mix the sour cream, sun dried tomatoes, salt and cream cheese together. Use the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber to top the tortillas. Tuck in both ends of the tortilla and wrap tightly. (total calories: 331)

This recipe is one of the many healthy and delicious lunches you can have on your NewMeMD hCG weight loss program. You don’t have to compromise on taste while staying within the plan. 

For additional tips on healthy eating or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs visit TODAY!

Here's to Springin' into a new pant size!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 Ways to Break Weight Loss Plateau While in the hCG Program

Have you ever tried losing fat for any sustained period of time only to hit a wall? You're doing everything that's been recommended for you to achieve big weight loss results... but suddenly, the fat no longer disappears. 

Well guess what? You're not alone. The human body is incredibly adaptive and will do its best to maintain equilibrium (or homeostasis). This is what can cause your weight loss to come to a screeching halt at times.

The plateauing effect is one of the biggest motivation killers there is. Strangely enough, many diet programs and books remain quiet on the issue-- probably because plateauing doesn't make for a good testimonial. At NewMeMD our wellness team is aware that plateaus CAN happen, but it doesn't have to put impede your waistline-shrinking results. In fact, here are 3 ways you can put an end to those discouraging plateaus:

1) Zig-Zag Your Calorie Intake.
Instead of consuming precisely 500 calories a day, you can mix it up. For example, one day you can eat 800 calories, but the next, eat only 200 calories. This will shake your metabolism up and hopefully move you off your plateau. Our NewMeMD wellness team and/or physicians can help structure an appropriate caloric regimen for you based on your specific weight loss goals.

2) Change Your Exercise Routine. If you've been doing a lot of walking, try something new like swimming or jogging to change the way your body is working. Or, change the intensity/frequency of your exercise--whatever it takes to shake up your routine!

3) Change Your Meal Frequency.
If you are eating three square meals a day, start adding snacks in between (which means reducing the portion size of main meals. Eating more often can help boost your metabolic rate. Ask a NewMeMD wellness consultant about which snacks are the best choices for you.

Although it might seem complicated at first, the goal is to change your routine so that your body takes notice and starts shedding fat again. 
For additional tips on healthy eating or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs, visit TODAY.

Here's to changing our diets for smaller waistlines!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fill 'Er Up: Fighting 4 Factors that Keep You from Feeling Full

Many dieters struggle with controlling their portion sizes. When you look down at the reasonable amount of food on your dinner plate, but still don't feel full after eating it, it can be difficult to stop eating even when you know you should. There are a number of factors that can keep you from feeling full. With that in mind, here are 4 diet solutions that can help you feel fuller, longer:

1) Drink more water and limit other beverages.
Sodas, bottled iced teas, sports drinks, and other sweetened beverages contain high fructose corn syrup which tricks our brain into craving more sweetness, even when we are full. The same is true for artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose. Stay away from the bubbly stuff and be sure you're drinking plenty of water. We all need at least 8 glasses each day and even more if you're working out a lot or it's hot outside. It's important to drink plenty of water before and during meals as well.

2) Eat more fruits and vegetables.
It's common knowledge that fruits and vegetables help us lose weight, but we may not know why. Of course they are low in calories and high in fiber, but eating fruits and vegetables before a meal can actually cause your body to release hormones that help you feel full. Be sure to get at least the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies each day. If you don't feel full after a meal, eat an apple or orange before reaching for anything else, especially a rich dessert.

3) Never skip breakfast.
It's the most important meal of the day for a reason! If you don't eat breakfast, it will certainly catch up with you over the course of the day. You'll be ravenous by lunchtime and potentially overeat the rest of the day. It's easier to be tempted by salty snacks and other things you shouldn't really be eating. Some doctors even recommend making breakfast your largest meal of the day and having lighter meals for lunch and dinner. That gives you more time to burn off your highest calorie meal.

4) Pack your diet with protein.
Compared to carbs and fats, protein is the nutrient that makes us feel satiated the fastest and the longest. The average diet contains just 15 percent protein, but doctors say increasing that to 20 or 30 percent can really boost your diet results. Foods rich in protein trigger the body to release hormones that make us feel full. 

With these simple tips, you can maintain a more reasonable diet and lose weight faster. A NewMeMD wellness consultant can review your diet with you to make sure you're doing all you can to stay on track. 

To learn more about safe & healthy weight loss or to book your FREE consultation TODAY visit

Here’s to filling up on healthy foods to drop those extra pounds!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Friday, March 7, 2014

Take Control of Your Weight by Taking Control of Stress

Whether it's the constant demands at work, a budget that's a little too tight, or the rigors of our always-busy family life, stress affects us all. 

A normal amount of stress can be good—because it helps us stay motivated and alert to our surroundings. Sometimes, though, our bodies respond to everyday stressors like we are actually about to be harmed. 

That "fight or flight" response can really impact us physiologically, because while in this particular state, a person experiences a burst of energy that increases blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate (in the short term). Long-term stress, however, can have lasting effects on the body... such as difficulty losing weight or dreaded WEIGHT GAIN. 

Weight gain is a well-known symptom of stress. When we are stressed out the body releases more of the stress hormone, cortisol, which makes our bodies hold onto extra fat. 

Additionally, our habits sometimes change when we are stressed. We may stop making time for exercise because we feel we are too busy. Feeling crunched for time can also lead to more trips through high-fat, high-calorie fast food drive-thrus. 

Furthermore, emotional eating can also be triggered by stress. When we're not feeling our best, we often crave comfort foods and rich desserts. Weight gain can be especially devastating when you suffer from excess stress. 

If you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, try these simple tips to help reduce it:

1) Focus on the positive.
We've all got bright spots in our lives. Try to remember those when you're feeling stressed. 

2) Breathe deep.
A few deep breaths really can work wonders! Take time out to focus on your breathing and you will likely feel much better. 

3) Exercise.
Sometimes it feels like the last thing on a never-ending to-do list, but exercise is even more important when your body is dealing with stress. A simple walk around the block can change your outlook!

If excess weight is causing you stress, it's a good idea to eat more healthfully and start moving more. A NewMeMD wellness consultant design a customized, medically supervised weight loss programs for you. Visit to get started TODAY!

Here's to trimming our stress and our waistlines!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kick Stomach Issues to the Curb with NewMe Cleanse

   It's not something we like to talk about much, but digestive health plays a big part in how good we feel. Constipation and other stomach issues can cause serious, while often unnecessary, discomfort. A diet high in fiber and physical activity can help to keep everything on track, but many people need to take additional care to stay regular. 

    After hearing several patients complain about bloating and discomfort related to occasional constipation, the NewMeMD wellness team developed NewMe Cleanse. This gentle, natural supplement contains senna, basil, black currant, and other digestive aids. Taken daily, NewMe Cleanse can help keep your belly on track and supports a clean, properly functioning colon.

   A NewMeMD wellness consultant can help you find the right dietary supplement for your lifestyle. Learn more about supporting your digestive health and find out how to book your free consultation at TODAY!

Here’s to freedom from tummy troubles!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team