Friday, March 7, 2014

Take Control of Your Weight by Taking Control of Stress

Whether it's the constant demands at work, a budget that's a little too tight, or the rigors of our always-busy family life, stress affects us all. 

A normal amount of stress can be good—because it helps us stay motivated and alert to our surroundings. Sometimes, though, our bodies respond to everyday stressors like we are actually about to be harmed. 

That "fight or flight" response can really impact us physiologically, because while in this particular state, a person experiences a burst of energy that increases blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate (in the short term). Long-term stress, however, can have lasting effects on the body... such as difficulty losing weight or dreaded WEIGHT GAIN. 

Weight gain is a well-known symptom of stress. When we are stressed out the body releases more of the stress hormone, cortisol, which makes our bodies hold onto extra fat. 

Additionally, our habits sometimes change when we are stressed. We may stop making time for exercise because we feel we are too busy. Feeling crunched for time can also lead to more trips through high-fat, high-calorie fast food drive-thrus. 

Furthermore, emotional eating can also be triggered by stress. When we're not feeling our best, we often crave comfort foods and rich desserts. Weight gain can be especially devastating when you suffer from excess stress. 

If you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, try these simple tips to help reduce it:

1) Focus on the positive.
We've all got bright spots in our lives. Try to remember those when you're feeling stressed. 

2) Breathe deep.
A few deep breaths really can work wonders! Take time out to focus on your breathing and you will likely feel much better. 

3) Exercise.
Sometimes it feels like the last thing on a never-ending to-do list, but exercise is even more important when your body is dealing with stress. A simple walk around the block can change your outlook!

If excess weight is causing you stress, it's a good idea to eat more healthfully and start moving more. A NewMeMD wellness consultant design a customized, medically supervised weight loss programs for you. Visit to get started TODAY!

Here's to trimming our stress and our waistlines!
 --The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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