Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 Ways to Break Weight Loss Plateau While in the hCG Program

Have you ever tried losing fat for any sustained period of time only to hit a wall? You're doing everything that's been recommended for you to achieve big weight loss results... but suddenly, the fat no longer disappears. 

Well guess what? You're not alone. The human body is incredibly adaptive and will do its best to maintain equilibrium (or homeostasis). This is what can cause your weight loss to come to a screeching halt at times.

The plateauing effect is one of the biggest motivation killers there is. Strangely enough, many diet programs and books remain quiet on the issue-- probably because plateauing doesn't make for a good testimonial. At NewMeMD our wellness team is aware that plateaus CAN happen, but it doesn't have to put impede your waistline-shrinking results. In fact, here are 3 ways you can put an end to those discouraging plateaus:

1) Zig-Zag Your Calorie Intake.
Instead of consuming precisely 500 calories a day, you can mix it up. For example, one day you can eat 800 calories, but the next, eat only 200 calories. This will shake your metabolism up and hopefully move you off your plateau. Our NewMeMD wellness team and/or physicians can help structure an appropriate caloric regimen for you based on your specific weight loss goals.

2) Change Your Exercise Routine. If you've been doing a lot of walking, try something new like swimming or jogging to change the way your body is working. Or, change the intensity/frequency of your exercise--whatever it takes to shake up your routine!

3) Change Your Meal Frequency.
If you are eating three square meals a day, start adding snacks in between (which means reducing the portion size of main meals. Eating more often can help boost your metabolic rate. Ask a NewMeMD wellness consultant about which snacks are the best choices for you.

Although it might seem complicated at first, the goal is to change your routine so that your body takes notice and starts shedding fat again. 
For additional tips on healthy eating or to get started on one of our medically supervised weight loss programs, visit TODAY.

Here's to changing our diets for smaller waistlines!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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