Sunday, March 30, 2014

NewMeMD 's List of 3 Foods Linked with Depression

Anybody who claims that they don't eat more during the summertime is a cheat and a liar. 

With all of the cookouts and family reunions of the season, many of us are having trouble finding healthy choices to eat.

And that is exactly the reason why it is impossible to secure a treadmill at a gym in June- our summer body resolutions are the exact reflections of our guilt. 

This is how we know that we are eating poorly, and our poor choices become habitual which is hard to control. Recent studies show that there's a possibility that eating certain foods is associated with depression.

Here are the Three Foods to Avoid in Excess this Summer Season:

1) Refined Foods. 

Pasta is a quick meal, which is great on those busy nights of doing your shopping or baking. Pasta, rice and bagels are foods that have been identified as inflammatory and have been linked to depression in women ages 50 to 77, according to an October 2013 study in the Journal of Brain Behavior and Immunity.

2) Soft Drinks. If you are buzzing around from store to store, how will you replenish those lost fluids…water for some, yes but for many, it’s all so easy to grab a cola on-the-go and proceed with what you were doing. A recent study has indicated that soft drinks (including diet ones), which are now part of our regular diets, may also contribute to depression.

3) Fast Food.
A recent report by the journal of Public Health Nutrition in a 2012 study in several cities mentions that "people who are used to eating fast food are 51% more likely to develop depression than those who don’t." The foods included in this article were commercial-baked goods, hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, which we all have easy access to due to them being everywhere.

If you think you could use a little guidance with your nutrition or would like to discuss a healthy, medically supervised weight loss solution that's right for you visit TODAY.

Here's to a happier season of good food & slimmer waistlines!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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