Sunday, March 23, 2014

3 Ways to Change Your Body by Changing Your Mindset

Losing weight is simple, right?! 

All you have to do is eat fewer calories than you burn. If that were really all there was to it, our population wouldn't be fighting an obesity epidemic and we'd all look like Jillian Michaels and Dolvett Quince from "The Biggest Loser." In fact, there wouldn't be a need for shows like "The Biggest Loser" in the first place.

Anyone who's ever turned to chocolate to deal with a bad day can tell you that weight loss and getting fit is complicated business. The body you have is controlled more by your mind than anything else. 

While it's not as simple as 1-2-3, if you feel you're holding yourself back with your thoughts and behaviors. Here are 3 steps from our NewMeMD wellness team that can get you over some of those mental hurdles.

1) Identify what's held you back before. 
Do you overeat when you're stressed? Angry? Sad? Have you often started successfully on a weight loss plan and gave up entirely because of one slip up? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of weight you're trying to lose? Do you hate to exercise? Determine what's held you back in the past.

2) Address your barriers to success. 
Decide how you can address what's holding you back. If you're an emotional eater, think of activities you can do instead of eating to help yourself feel better. Try talking to a friend, journaling, yoga or going for a walk. If exercise hasn't been your thing in the past, rethink what you're doing. If you hate going to the gym and hitting the treadmill, maybe you would enjoy swimming or a group fitness dance class instead. When you're trying to decide how to get over these hurdles, there's nothing wrong with asking others (like one of our NewMeMD wellness consultants) for help.

3) Replace negative thoughts with healthy ones. When you find negative thoughts entering your mind, try to shut them down and remind yourself that you're making a difference by trying to be healthier. Think about how much more energy and confidence you'll have when you reach your goals, and how, by taking the steps that you are, you're greatly lessening your chances of health problems later on. It's important to remember that it's about progress--not perfection.
A NewMeMD wellness consultant can work with you to design a customized, medically supervised weight loss plan. Visit to get started today!

Here's to clearing those weight loss hurdles and living healthier lives!
--The NewMeMD Wellness Team

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