Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gimme Five: NewMeMD 's Top 5 Weight Loss Products & Services

During this time of year it's not uncommon to be on a mission to shrink that waistline or to be getting back into shape. 

If you can relate, you may be among the millions of Americans on the search for the easiest, most effective ways to do so.

So to make your "Operation Skinny YOU" search more simple... here are 5 of our top weight loss products and services at NewMeMD worth taking advantage of in order to reach your goals:

1. Lipo-Light body sculpting solutions
Lipo-Light is one of the newest and very first non-invasive, LED body contouring systems available today. Each session is less than 30 minutes long, and patients can see inch loss even after just the first treatment! If you're interested in getting rid of fat in your problem areas such as your back, thighs or abdomen, Lipo-Light may be just the solution for you!

2. 30-day medically supervised hCG  program
Yes, it is possible to lose up to 30 pounds in about a month, and safely... with our medically supervised hCG program. Qualifying patients must undergo a round of baseline lab work and a physical exam by one of our doctors before receiving your 30-day prescription. We'll also give you a suggested meal plan and and have you come in for weekly weigh-ins (and an energy-boosting B12 shot if you wish) to make sure you stay on track each step of the way.

3. 30-day prescription appetite suppressants program
Looking to drop those pounds at a much more gradual weight while learning to control those nagging cravings for bad food? Our 30-day prescription appetite suppressants program may do just the trick. Qualified patients will also have to undergo lab work and a physical exam before getting started, but after that it shouldn't take long for you to notice a decrease in your appetite, along with a surge in your energy levels.

4. Infrared sauna therapy.
Infrared sauna treatments have been featured on the show The Doctors and have been touted as a safe & effective way to produce sweat, cause you to burn more calories and as a result, improve your weight loss results. Infrared sauna therapy can also reduce the appearance of cellulite, rid your body of harmful toxins and improve joint pains or muscle aches. If feeling better as well as looking slimmer is on your list of to-dos for 2015, give our infrared sauna treatment a try!

5. Ultra Lean with Garcinia
Our Ultra Lean with Garcinia supplements are pharmaceutical-grade (this means there are no fillers or added colors/flavoring) and are formulated with the highest quality ingredients to help decrease your appetite and assist in preventing your body from converting excess carbs into fat. Many dieters first heard about Garcinia Cambogia when they were featured on Doctor Oz not too long ago, but may have been unsure of just where the best place is to buy this product. The answer is, "At NewMeMD, of course!" 

Need more information about any of our weight loss products or services? CLICK HERE to visit our web site or give one of our wellness consultants a call to book your appointment TODAY and get started: (251) 281-9714.

Here's to getting milestones closer toward a new you in the new year!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

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