Friday, December 19, 2014

Yes You CAN: NewMeMD 's hCG -Friendly Cola Chicken

Tired of eating all those leftovers you still have in the fridge even weeks after those Thanksgiving?!

Here’s something hCG-friendly that's bursting with flavor and zing for taste buds...

hCG-Friendly Cola Chicken

- 3 chicken breasts
- 1 can of aspartame-free diet cola (we like Zevia cola)
- 1 cup organic (or no sugar added) ketchup

1. Put chicken in a non-stick skillet.
2. Pour ketchup and diet cola over the top.
3. Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and cook for at least 45 minutes.
4. Uncover, turn up the heat and continue to cook until sauce becomes thick and adheres to the chicken (be sure to watch it during this last step).
6. Cool down, serve and enjoy eating hCG-friendly!

Makes 3 servings.

Nutritional Information
Calories: 159.2
Total fat: 0.9 g
Total carbs: 21.4 g
Protein: 16.5 g

For information about our medically supervised weight loss programs or our NEW body contouring treatments be sure to visit TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation: (251)287-9714.

Think you can eat delicious food and still have a smaller waistline?! Yes you CAN!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No Gain, No Pain! NewMeMD 's 5 Favorite Fat Burning Foods for Fall & Winter

With Thanksgiving and the rest of the winter holidays just on the horizon, it can sound like a diet sabotage is practically inevitable no matter where you go.

But good news: Eating during this time of year doesn't have to be associated with just those baked sugary treats and calorie-laden party spreads. 

That's because some of the most common fall and winter foods out there can actually help, not hurt, your waistline!

Here are 5 waist-trimming foods our NewMeMD wellness team recommends (and what they can do for you):

1. Sweet Potatoes

These yummy root plants are a great source of fiber, which can help you keep feel fuller longer. Yams can also help you burn some extra calories by kicking your digestive system into overdrive (in order to break down all that fiber efficiently). What's more, sweet spuds contain hormones that help regulate your blood sugar, which can help suppress those nagging cravings for that holiday cheesecake in the break room, or a soon-to-be-regretted trip to the office vending machine!

2. Dark Chocolate
Everyone’s favorite indulgence actually contains two ingredients which have been found to boost metabolism: caffeine and the antioxidant catechin. But just like any other sweet treat, moderation is key (of course). Opt for an organic dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa, and be sure to stick to a small square a day so the sugar and calories don’t outweigh the fat burning potential!

3. Cinnamon
This is the time of the year when the smell of cinnamon is practically everywhere... and that's a good thing! This warming fall spice has been shown to slow digestion and regulate blood sugar levels (which again, helps kick bad cravings to the curb). Cinnamon can also boost your metabolism which, as a result, can stimulate your system to shed some of those excess calories!

4. Turkey

Yes that’s right, bird is the word... your post-Thanksgiving leftovers can actually help you shed some fat! Considered as lean protein, turkey keeps you full while burning calories to help you digest it. When preparing your main course serving, however, try to reach for the breast meat (which is the leanest) to keep your caloric intake down even more.

5. Grapefruit
This big ol' juicy citrus fruit is prime for picking in autumn and winter, so buy some and stock plenty of it this season! Grapefruits are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which not only helps you stay fuller longer, it can lead you to eat significantly less throughout the day. Try tossing small grapefruit segments into a hearty salad for lunch along with a low calorie raspberry vinaigrette for a refreshing combination!

For information about our medically supervised weight loss programs or our NEW body contouring treatments be sure to visit TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation: (251)287-9714.

Here's to no gain (and no pain staying trim) this fall & winter!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fin for Yourself: NewMeMD 's hCG -Friendly Italian Cioppino

You may currently be on an hCG weight loss program... but that doesn't mean you can't have Italian food for tonight.

Try this low calorie, high flavor seafood dinner idea from our NewMeMD Wellness Team... for Italian hCG-friendly Cioppino!

- 100g of fish or seafood of choice
- 1 chopped tomato
- 2 cups of organic, low sodium chicken broth
- 2 to 3 cloves of minced garlic
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 tsp. dehydrated onion
- 1 tsp. parsley
- ¼ tsp. oregano
- ¼ tsp. basil
- ¼ tsp. rosemary
- 1/8 tsp. fennel seeds
- salt & pepper (to taste)
Tabasco Sauce (optional)

1. Combine minced onion, parsley, oregano, basil, rosemary and fennel seeds in a food processor or grinder and grind.
2. Add seasonings and all other ingredients except for the seafood and Tabasco Sauce in a saucepan.

3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
4. Add fish and return to a boil.
5. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 5 to 15 more minutes. 

6. Remove bay leaf.
6. Top with a dash of salt, pepper and/or Tabasco just before serving (if desired).
7. Cool down, serve and enjoy eating hCG-friendly!

Nutritional Information:
Calories: 112.2 

Protein: 23.7 g
Carbohydrates: 0 g

Fat: 1.2 g

At NewMeMD our entire staff is committed to helping patients reach their health goals, which is why we offer a variety of physician-guided weight loss programs and even body contouring packages for just about anyone's needs.

For more information about our products & services visit 
TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251) 287-9714.

Here's to healthful Italian eating tonight!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Chillin' Out But Stayin' Warm: NewMeMD 's hCG-Friendly Chili Recipe

Feel that chill in the air? 

That, of course, informs many of us that the autumn season is officially here! 

This brisk weather is also a great reminder you that it’s a perfect time to cook up some homemade chili. 

And guess what?! Even if you’re on an hCG weight loss diet... recipes like our NewMeMD Fall Beef Chili will allow you still enjoy "chili weather" while staying on track with your current waistline slimming program. 

So go ahead-- Spice up your life a little... with this yummy & hCG-friendly dinner idea:

- 3.5 oz. extra lean ground beef (or ground chicken works too!)
- 1 medium t omato (pureed or use a 14 oz. can of organic diced tomatoes)

½ cup low sodium beef broth
¼ tsp minced garlic

Optional spices you can add based on taste preference
- ¼ tsp. black pepper
- ¼ tsp. cayenne
- ¼ tsp. onion powder
- ¼ tsp. garlic powder
- ½ tsp. oregano
- ¼ tsp. thyme
- ¼ tsp. cumin
- ¼ tsp. chili powder
- ¼ tsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos

1. Saute garlic over medium heat using a little liquid, so your garlic won’t burn. 

2. Add beef and let brown. Be sure to keep moving the beef in your pan so it doesn’t burn (since it's extra lean beef and there's practically zero fat). Add more liquid if needed, about a tablespoon at a time.
3. While meat is browning, dice up tomato and puree in blender. Add a little broth or water to help it move around a little in the blender if needed.
4. Once meat is brown add the tomato puree and ½ cup of the liquid. 

5. Begin adding spices, and try a little at a time if you are unsure of how much to use. 
6. Allow chili to simmer on medium/low heat for about 15 minutes or until it reaches the consistency you like (for thicker chili, cook for an additional 15 minutes).
7. Serve & enjoy your hCG-friendly chili!

Nutritional facts & information

Serving size: 359 g
Calories per serving: 209.3

Protein: 26.9 g
Total fat: 6.3 g
Total carbs: 11.8 g
Dietary fiber: 2.8 g

For more information about our weight loss products & services visit TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251)287-9714.

Here's to chillin' out, stayin' warm and gettin' skinny!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall Back Into Those Skinny Jeans Again! 4 Easy Weight Loss Tips from NewMeMD

"If only losing weight was as easy as losing your cell phone, your keys, your temper or even your mind..."

Let’s face it. The best weight loss strategies are sometimes the ones that stand the test of time. 

That's why our NewMedMD Wellness Team recommends these 4 simple strategies which, although they may not sound as sexy as the latest fad diets out there, they're sure to never go out of style:

1. Rethink your goals.
If you focus on maintaining your weight rather than losing it, believe it or not... you will likely see more significant (not to mention lasting) results. Those of us waistline watchers with this type of mindset tend to stick to much healthier lifestyles for a longer period of time and eventually lose more weight over time (this has even been documented by researchers!).

2. Use your kitchen.
Because of our busy lifestyles and the convenience of restaurant delivery, Americans today order takeout about three nights a week on average (yikes). You can certainly save yourself a big chunk o' change plus a whopping 900 calories a week simply by cooking at home with better ingredients.

3. Perfect your portions.

Well-controlled portion sizes can prevent you from overdoing your daily intake of calories, which can of course lead to weight gain over time. Instead try measuring food by "eyeballing" the ideal amount you should have without cups, spoons or scales (click here for a really cool portion size guide we found online).

4. Catch more zzzzs.
Skimping on slumber can eventually cause us to eat more fatty, high calorie foods the following day, and even day after that. If possible, aim for about seven to eight hours of sleep each night to avoid unnecessary binges. Even turning down your thermostat a bit at night can rev up your metabolism a little more while you're off in Dreamland.

At NewMeMD our medical experts can customize a weight loss program designed specifically for your needs. We'll also provide you with the ongoing support and nutritional guidance you need to keep you on track every single step of the way. 

Wanna see for yourself? Click here for information about our products & services NOW.

Here's to a skinnier reflection in the mirror that will surely have you saying, "OMG! is that me?!"
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, October 16, 2014

For Better or WORSE: NewMeMD 's Top 5 Worst Foods

Drop that spoon! 

At NewMeMD we believe everyone deserves the occasional indulgence (in moderation of course), but before you dig in it's important to realize there are certain foods out there you may want to steer clear of to avoid damaging effects on your body, your skin and especially  your waistline!

Here's a new list from our wellness team of the top 5 foods we suggest you avoid, along with some healthful substitutes you can reach for instead:

1. Donuts

An old fashioned cake donut has 300 calories, 28 grams of carbohydrates and a whopping 19 grams of fat... 5 of which are saturated fat (the "bad fat")! Krispy Cremes, although they aren't too much more nutritious than cake donuts, packs a 200 calories and 12 grams of fat.

Instead, try:
a whole grain breakfast.
You can keep your carb count down with a simple switch to something like whole grain bagels. Half a Pepperidge Farm multi-grain bagel only contains 125 calories, 3 grams of fat and less than 4 grams of cholesterol. 

2. Sausage
Whether you fry them for breakfast or boil 'em in beer, sausages can be huge health hazards. A single pork link packs 217 calories and 19.5 grams of fat!

Instead, try: 
chicken, turkey or vegetarian sausage. 
Five links of Aidell’s chicken apple sausage only has 100 calories and 8 grams of fat. If you're opting for something vegetarian, sausage made from soy protein only contains 130 calories per serving plus 6 grams of fat and 13 grams of lean protein.

3. Fried Chicken
A fried chicken breast contains nearly 400 calories and 22 grams of fat, or even more than that when you actually batter and fry your bird with the skins still on.

Instead, try:
skipping the skins and goin' grilled. 
Skinless chicken breasts can still be finger-lickin’ good... Jazz them them up with a fiery spice rub or add some zing with chile-lime seasoning before throwing them "on the barbie." Not only will your poultry be pumped full of flavor, they'll be low in calories too (they're just 189 calories for each 4 ounce breast serving)!

4. French Fries 
A large order of fried spuds from your favorite fast food joint boasts roughly 570 calories, half of which are from fat. Add a hamburger to that classic side and you'll be tacking on an additional 670 calories and 39 extra grams of fat (yikes)!

Instead, try: 
kid-size portions.
Ordering fries from the children's menu instead means you'll only be consuming 230 calories and 13 grams of fat. If you're feeling really adventurous, however give sautéed tempeh a shot. Half a cup of sliced tempe sprinkled with Bragg's Liquid Aminos (or low-sodium soy sauce if you can't find the Liquid Aminos) only contains 197 calories. Unlike the starch and fat content of fries, tempeh is jam-packed protein and provides a excellent source of iron, magnesium, zinc as well as vitamin B6!

5. Potato Chips

1 ounce of potato chips has 152 calories and 10 grams of fat. Munching on just 3 ounces of this crunchy snack a week can add up to as many as 23,400 extra calories consumed in a year... which can also put about 7 pounds onto that waistline of yours!

Instead, try:
having your (rice or popcorn) cake and eating it too.
Rice and popcorn cakes today are no longer comparable to Styrofoam... They can actually be very enjoyable snacks because they now come in a myriad of flavors to satisfy both sweet and salty cravings without all the unnecessary calories. For a more exotic type of crunch, reach for some dry-roasted organic edamame-- which is usually slightly salted and comes with a similar satisfying crunch. 30 grams of this nutrient-dense veggie from Trader Joe's provides 14 grams of protein and even 20% of your recommended daily amount of iron in a mere 140 calories!

If you're still searching for a solution to slimming down, NewMeMD offers several medically supervised weight loss programs and body contouring services which may be perfect for you. CLICK HERE For more information about our products and services.

Here's to slimmer NEW YOU, starting NOW!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Friday, October 10, 2014

Great (Meat) Balls o' Turkey! NewMeMD 's hCG-Friendly Italian Meatballs

These Italian Turkey Meatballs are super simple, figure-friendly (it’s turkey after all) and most importantly... finger-lickin' good. 

They're also incredibly hearty, flavorful and perfect if you're currently adhering to our NewMeMD hCG weight loss program! 

Why not try this great new recipe from our wellness team tonight for supper or sometime this weekend:

hCG-Friendly Italian Turkey Meatballs

- 565 grams of lean ground turkey (or ground chicken)
- 6 slices of Melba toast
- ¼ cup milk
- 1 egg
- ½ teaspoon oregano
- ½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
- 1 tablespoon dried minced onions
- 1½ teaspoon dried parsley flakes

1. Pour milk over melba toast.
2. Mix together all ingredients and form 18 meatballs.
3. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes (using 2 mini muffin tins)
4. Pour your favorite low-calorie (no sugar added if possible) spaghetti sauce over meatballs.
5. Serve 3 meatballs per person and accompany with a side salad if desired.
6. Enjoy eating hCG-friendly!

Nutritional Info
Servings per recipe: 6
Calories per serving: 147.6 g
Protein: 19.4 g
Total fat: 2.9 g
Total carbs: 10.0 g
Dietary fiber: 1.1 g

If you're still looking for additional ways to maintain a sleek physique throughout the fall season, NewMeMD can customize a medically supervised weight loss program designed exactly for your specific needs.

Just CLICK HERE to visit our web site for more details about our products & services.

Here's to sexier, slender YOU (even with Italian meatballs included in your eating regimen)!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ob-Zest! NewMeMD Featured Recipe: Garlic Lemon Roasted Asparagus

Yay, it’s asparagus night everyone! 

When in season, this particular green is not only delicious and crunchy, it's healthy too (it's packed with folate and potassium)!

With that in mind, why not serve up your favorite hCG-friendly seafood entree this evening to go along with this nutrient-dense veggie... It's sure to be a perfect combination!

hCG-Friendly Roasted Asparagus with Garlic

- 1 lb. fresh asparagus (medium width)
- 2 teaspoons of olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves
- minced salt and fresh ground pepper
- lemon wedges as garnish

1. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. 

2. Rinse asparagus and break off tough ends.
3. In a shallow roasting pan, place asparagus and coat with oil.
4. Sprinkle with garlic and salt and pepper for taste.
5. Roast uncovered for 6-8 minutes(depending on width of spears) shaking pan occasionally .
6. Serve with lemon wedges and enjoy! Makes 4 servings (approx. 4 medium spears each)

Nutritional Information
Calories: 48.2
Total fat: 2.5 g
Sodium: 2.5 mg
Total carbs: 5.6 g
Dietary fiber: 2.4 g
Protein : 2.7 g

At NewMeMD our entire staff is committed to helping patients reach their health goals, which is why we offer a variety of physician-guided weight loss programs and even body contouring packages for just about anyone's needs.

For more information about our products & services visit 
TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251) 287-9714.

Here's to healthful eating tonight!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

This Spud's for You! NewMeMD 's 5 Health Benefits of Potatoes

Okay so you might not want to be called a “potato head” (because of the negative stigma spuds typically carry) but good news: recent studies show potatoes really aren't that bad for you after all!

Sure... this starchy stuff can be extremely calorie-dense when they're smothered in cheese, mixed up with mayo, doused in sour cream or deep fried—but when consumed in their purest (and organic if possible) form, this tuberous plant actually contains some humongous health perks.

Here are 5 great reasons to love potatoes:

1. Each piece of this produce is packed with potassium.
One large spud (baked with the skin on) contains a whopping 1,600 milligrams of potassium, which is nearly half your recommended amount for the entire day. That's almost four times the amount of nutrients in a medium banana (which is notorious for its potassium count). This plant is also loaded with lots of electrolytes, which are key to staying hydrated as well as helpful for managing hypertension, or high blood pressure.

2. Potatoes are packed with fiber.
Eating the skin from a large spud provides as much as 7 grams of dietary fiber to your meal. Without eating the skin, however, your intake drops down to a measly 1 gram. Dietary fiber, which is also a carbohydrate, can help you stay fuller longer and has also been shown to
- aid in reducing risks of heart attack
- help lower your "bad cholesterol" 
- assist in the prevention of diabetes

3. Spuds have a hearty dose of vitamin C.
The highest concentration of vitamin C in potatoes can be found in the skin. You take in as much as 29 milligrams of C in just one large tater, to be exact. That's more than a third of the amount of this vitamin found in an orange. Not only can high doses of vitamin C play an important role as an antioxidant in the body, it can help ward off those awful 'bugs' during cold & flu season and even help in healing wounds much faster.

4. Potatoes are a superb source of manganese.
If you're not too familiar with this nutrient... here's a few tidbits about it and why we all need it: Manganese plays an instrumental role in processing proteins, carbs, cholesterol and can also help with the formation of stronger bones. One big o' spud (with the skin on of course) contains 33% of your recommended daily amount of manganese.

5. They’re rich in vitamin B6:
Vitamin B6 is sometimes known as a “behind the scenes” vitamin because it works hard internally (within the cardiovascular, digestive, immune, muscular and nervous systems). Your body needs abundant amounts of B6 daily to function optimally... which is why even one small spud, when eaten with the skin on, is a great place to start!

Although the summer season has come and gone... if you're still looking for additional ways to maintain a sleek physique throughout the remainder of the year, NewMeMD can customize a medically supervised weight loss program designed exactly for your specific needs. 

Just click here to visit our web site NOW for more about our products & services.

Here's to sexier, slender YOU (even with spuds included in your eating regimen)!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Friday, September 5, 2014

Battling the Bulge: 4 Wise Ways to Eat Well from NewMeMD

"I tried every diet recipe in the book. I tried some that weren't in the book. Then I tried eating the book, and it tasted better than most of the actual recipes!"

If you can relate to this funny quote in some way, you may agree that the old rules of eating healthy are not only boring, they can also be very misleading regarding the intricate ways nutrients can benefit our bodies. 

So in order to combat some of these not-so-nutritious misconceptions as well as help fight the "battle of the bulge," here are 4 wise ways to eat well from our NewMeMD wellness team:

1. Break the fast before you get started with your day.
Eating a healthful meal after hours of fasting (aka catching some zzzzs throughout the night) can help you eat better all day long. Additionally, breakfast can jump start your metabolism and prevent you from overeating throughout your day at the office (and even well into your evening. 

2. Spice things up with something sweet.
Cinnamon is a spice often used to pep up pancakes, add a twist to your toast and make your desserts even more dazzling. But did you know this sweet stuff is also extremely low in calories (19 calories per tbsp) and loaded with healthful A 2003 study in the Journal Diabetes care of five dozen people with type 2 diabetes showed that the daily addition of cinnamon to their diet lowered blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels after 40 days.

3. Stay hydrated throughout the day.
Hungry or just thirsty? That is the question. Many people (especially those who are dieting) can confuse hunger and thirst, which can cause you to reach for something to munch on... rather than just gulping down some plain ol' H2O. If you truly thing you're famished, have a glass of water first and wait 20 minutes. By then if you are still being nagged by hunger pangs, then eat (just make sure it's something that's good for you).

4. Be open to making a healthier lifestyle change.
Sometimes we can be guilty of so attempting diets so often that we end up feeling as though we would have been off not trying to trim down our waistlines in the first place. But we don't necessarily have to think this way. Dramatically restricting our daily intake and meticulously counting calories can create an unhealthy preoccupation with food. Eating right needs to be a lifestyle change so it feels less like you're on a diet and won't distract you from your own internal health cues (which can tell us what our bodies are lacking).

At NewMeMD our entire staff is committed to helping patients reach their health goals. That's why we offer a variety of physician-guided weight loss programs and even body contouring packages which can be individualized specifically specifically for your needs!

For more information about our products & services visit 
TODAY or call us to schedule your initial consultation NOW: (251)287-9714.

Here's to battling the bulge with success!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Monday, September 1, 2014

Get Shredded with NewMeMD in the Kitchen (NOT the Gym)!

Have you ever fallen in love with Chipotle’s barbacoa burrito dish? 

We can relate... because after all, who can resist the lime & cilantro-infused rice and hearty black beans (which unfortunately aren't hCG-friendly) that typically accompany this meal?! 

If you want to enjoy this tasty dinner delight but are one of the many of us who are "watching our figure," here's an alternative way to enjoy this meal from your wellness team at NewMeMD :

hCG-Friendly Barbacoa-Style Shredded Beef

Start with a chuck roast. Anywhere between 2 to 4 lbs is fine. I usually go for bigger because I like leftovers to take some to work or make more meals. Cut it in half and trim most of the visible fat. Place it in a slow cooker.


In a food processor puree the following:
- ½ onion
- ¼ cup lime juice
- ¼ cup tomato paste
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 ½ tbsp Apple cider vinegar
- 2 tsp cumin
- 2 tsp sea salt
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1 tsp Cloves or Allspice


1. Pour the puree over the roast in a slow cooker. Pour about a cup of beef broth on top and drop in a few bay leaves.

2. Cook on low for 7 hours. When it’s done, shred the meat with two forks and put it back into the amazing sauce in the slow cooker that was created during cooking. Keep on low for another couple of hours to really soak up the flavor of the sauce.

3. Serve and enjoy eating hCG-friendly! You can have it plain or in a burrito bowl just like they prepare it at Chipotle (with a bowl of steamed vegetables on the side).
For more healthy living ideas or information about our medical weight loss solutions click here to visit our web site.

Here's to heatin' things up while slimmin' down for summer!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ciao Down on Pizza! NewMeMD 's Waistline-Friendly Grilled BBQ Chicken Flatbread

"Von Appetito," it’s pizza night! If you're craving this particular calorie-laden Italian favorite but want something a bit more waistline friendly, this grilled flatbread pizza from our wellness team at NewMeMD is the ticket. 

Feel free to pile on extra veggies when you prepare this dish (Why not try it tonight for dinner?). Ciao!!

- 2 flatbreads (store-bought or homemade)
- 1 red onion, sliced (about 1 cup)
- 1 yellow or red bell pepper, sliced (about 1 cup)
- pinch of black pepper
- 12 oz. skinless chicken breast
- ¼ cup barbecue sauce
- 1 tbsp. pineapple juice
- ¼ cup chopped pineapple, packed in ice
- ¼ cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
- 2 slices of Canadian bacon, chopped

1. Preheat the grill to 500 degrees and place the onions and peppers on a grill tray or a large sheet of heavy duty foil. Sprinkle with pepper.
2. Coat both sides of the chicken with cooking spray. 
Transfer the veggies and chicken to the grill. 
3. Cook chicken 3-4 minutes on each side, until the inside temperature reaches 165 degrees.
4. Remove chicken and veggies from the grill, then lower the heat to 400 degrees. Transfer chicken to a clean cutting board and cut into bite-size pieces.
5. Add grilled veggies, barbecue sauce and pineapple juice to a blender and pulse until a chunky sauce consistency is formed.
6. Place flatbreads on a pizza stone, pizza screen or baking sheet prepped with non-stick spray. 

7. Spread ½ cup of your pizza sauce on each flatbread and top with chicken, cheese, pineapple and Canadian bacon. Place on the grill.
8. Close the lid and cook for about 10 minutes until cheese has melted.
9. Remove from grill and cool slightly before serving.

10. Slice, serve & enjoy your guilt-free pizza!

Nutritional Info
Servings per Recipe: 4
Amount per serving: 
½ flatbread
Calories: 233.4
Total Fat: 5.1 g
Cholesterol: 61.5 g
Sodium: 234.2 g
Total Carbs: 21.4 g
Dietary Fiber: 2.9 g
Protein: 25.8 g

For information about our weight loss products or body contouring services click here to visit our web site NOW.

Here's to ciao-ing down on pizza, without all the guilt!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

PaleO-M-G! 6 Ways to Lose Weight Successfully with the Paleo Diet & NewMeMD

The Paleo Diet (which has recently become largely popular) can help you lose weight without even trying, which is why it may be a better choice over many of the diets most commonly used by waistline watchers out there today. 

While switching to Paleo is a good way to begin your fat shedding journey, there are also few lifestyle habits which can aid in reaching your goals.

Here are 6 simple strategies for slim-down success from our NewMeMD wellness team:

1. Keep your food simple.
One of the reasons why the Paleo Diet has been so effective for weight loss is because of its ability to help dieters reduce calories without consciously restricting them. Studies show eating "simpler foods" can lead to consuming less overall, which in turn, can expedite the process of shedding those unwanted pounds. For starters, try sticking to the basics...

- healthy meats or protein alternatives (like chicken, beef or fish)
- plenty of non-starchy vegetables (kale, spinach, Romaine lettuce)
- whole food carbohydrates from root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.)
- low glycemic index fruits (plums, strawberries, raspberries)

- some healthy fats (nuts, avocados)

2. Be sure to eat enough.
Several Paleo newbies initially believe less food is always better when it comes to losing weight. Decreasing your caloric intake too much, however, lowers your resting metabolic rate... which can cause those numbers on the scale to remain stagnant (or even reverse). Regardless of which program you choose, dieting should never be about starving yourself. Remember-- calories do count but when it comes to weight loss, taking in too few calories can be just as problematic as overeating.

3. Try to be as active as possible throughout the day.
Did you know most of us actually spend up to 15 hours a day sitting?! There are actually dangers of constantly being sedentary... so much so that getting into the habit of moving more throughout the day can improve your health, promote fat loss and even reduce your risk of several chronic diseases. W
hen it comes to trimming down, staying active throughout the entire day is definitely a must-- so get movin' already!

4. Eat enough carbs to support your activity level.
Tolerance to carbohydrates can vary according to each individual's lifestyle and/or genetic makeup. This means some people can do quite well on very low-carb diet, while others can simply crash and burn. Although we don’t think it's absolutely imperative to completely prohibit your intake of carbs on a daily basis, it's important to match your carb load in proportion to the amount of exercise you do. A mismatch in your total carbs taken in vs. the actual calories you burn could cause your weight loss to plateau and can also cause fatigue and/or muscle breakdown (if you are over-exercising and not eating enough starchy foods). The best thing to keep in mind is this-- just like any other fare you feed your body, moderation is always key!

5. Address your whole life, not just diet and exercise.
Everyone knows there is more to dropping a pants size (or more!) and keeping it off through just diet and exercise. One good example is a lack of sleep. Depriving yourself of those much needed zzzzzs can make you feel hungrier, which can lead to eating too much or consuming the wrong kinds of foods simply to trump your tiredness. Your day-to-day pressures or burdens are also big factors to consider. High levels of stress stimulates our body to produce certain hormones which can cause us to eat more and store more fat, which can significantly reduce our capability to:

- get back into those skinny jeans
- be able to fit into them year-round

The solution? Focus on managing your daily stress with mind-body techniques like meditation and yoga. Even try connecting with friends or family to rally support for your weight loss efforts. You'll be amazed to find out how far just a little encouragement goes during your mission to minimize that mid-section!

6. Don’t do it alone.
The hardest part of losing weight is doing it all on your own. Whether it's the Paleo Diet or a new workout regimen, it can be incredibly difficult to make major lifestyle changes without any support, and that's where we can help. Our
 NewMeMD wellness team & medical experts can customize a weight loss program designed exactly for your specific needs, and we'll also provide you with the ongoing support and nutritional guidance you need to keep you on track each step of the way. For information about our products & services click here to visit our web site NOW.

Here's to a skinnier reflection in the mirror that will surely have you saying, "OMG!"
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Friday, August 8, 2014

Orange You Glad It's Chicken? Try NewMeMD 's hCG-Friendly Recipe for Orange Ginger Chicken

With everyone's busy daily schedules, we at NewMeMD know how hard it can be to keep your body at a healthy weight. 

That's why we've got solutions for you that can help, like our hCG prescription weight loss programs!

Our wellness team also has healthy recipes you can follow which are easy to make, low in calories and perfectly portioned to help you stay satisfied throughout the day. Check out this week's featured hCG-friendly recipe:

hCG-Friendly Orange Ginger Chicken

- 100 g of chicken, cut into small chunks
- black pepper
- 1 medium orange, cut into quarters
- 2 or 3 cloves of minced garlic
- 1 tsp. of fresh ginger root (about ½”-1" in length), peeled and minced
- 1/2 tsp. of basil
- juice from half of a lemon

1. Preheat pan on medium heat.
2. Sprinkle chicken with pepper.
3. Add chicken to pan and saute until brown on all sides (about 5-10 min.).
4. Add garlic and continue cooking for 1 min.
5. Squeeze the juice from 4 orange quarters over chicken.
6. Peel and separate orange into sections. 

7. Add orange sections, ginger, lemon juice and basil.
8. Stir well.
7. Cover and simmer for about 20-30 min.
8. Serve & enjoy eating healthfully!

Nutritional Info:
Servings per recipe- 1
Calories per serving- 193.1
Total fat- 1.5 grams
Total carbs- 20.9 grams
Dietary fiber- 3.5 grams
Protein- 25.1 grams

To learn more about our NewMeMD medically supervised weight loss programs or body slimming solutions  CLICK HERE to visit our web site NOW.

Here's to a new twist (a citrus twist, that is) on plain ol' chicken for dinner tonight!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Berried Treasures: 7 Healthy Super Fruits to Savor Before Summer's End

Soaking in these remaining few weeks of summer can't quite be enjoyed to the absolute fullest without the sweet aroma of and taste of those summer fruits we all enjoyed as kids, right? We agree! 

Many of those fruits, are of course, are only available during our hottest months of each year... which makes them a seasonal treat we should all indulge in (in moderation, that is) before these beloved "dog days" come to an end.

Our wellness team at NewMeMD has proudly compiled 7 of what we consider to be the best summer fruits available right now... You can buy them practically anywhere locally, so whaddaya say?! Why not try noshing on some of these nutritious, natural delights:

1) Watermelon.
This fruit stand favorite makes our mouths water just writing about it... Watermelon, especially when eaten together with berries or other fruits that are rich in fiber, can help fuel your system with tons of vitamins and phytonutrients that your body will totally appreciate.

2) Figs.
Figs unfortunately have a not-so-nutritious reputation because of their overly-processed branded cookie namesake, but a good ripe fresh fig on its own is both delicious and nutritious. As a matter of fact, just 2 figs provides 35 mg of calcium, which is essential for building bone density (especially now that we're not strong and resilient children anymore)!

3) Guava.
Getting a grip on some guava to Southeast Asian tropical dwellers is almost equivalent to the way Americans have an affinity for apples... But thanks to local farmers here in the good ol' U.S. of A. we don't hafta travel below the equator to find this exotic fruit. Guavas are jam-packed with the antioxidant, lycopene and they're loaded with even more potassium than a banana. 

4) Kiwi.
Originally from New Zealand (but now plentiful pretty much anywhere in the U.S. today), these furry lil' fruits are an ounce-for-an-ounce match-up against oranges when it comes to vitamin C (they contain a whopping 117% of your recommended daily Vitamin C requirement). Recent studies show consuming this much C daily can help keep your skin looking supple and wrinkle-free, which is even more reason cram more kiwi into your daily regimen!

5) Strawberries.

These bright red bulbs of goodness are super sweet, sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol free and filled with fiber as well as Vitamin C. During warmer months like the present, strawberries are widely available your neighborhood supermarkets and locally-owned fruit stands. One tip: Try to avoid buying the oversized or extra plump varieties because they tend to have less flavor and fewer nutrients. Choose organic strawberries when you can instead, because they're much richer in antioxidants, and they won't be sprinkled with yucky, toxic pesticides either.

6) Papaya.
Arrrriba! This juicy byproduct of the Carica plant is believed to be a native of Southern Mexico (although the jury's still out on its true birthplace). Papayas contain significant servings of Vitamin C as well as beta carotene & Vitamin E, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. And did you know? You can also use the seeds from this fruit as an alternative to black pepper when seasoning when your food. How's that for eating healthfully in more ways than one?!

7) Goji Berries.
The extracted juice from these tiny little berries has recently become a popular mainly because of its zingy taste & health benefits (such as 
boosting brain function and protecting you better against age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s). Since goji juice, however, can be pretty pricey, why not reap the same rewards of this super berry by buying them fresh?! If you've never tried them, their tangy flavor is like a cross between cranberries and cherries... which is a refreshing twist you won't want to miss out on this summer!

If you're looking for additional ways to keep your sleek physique throughout the remainder of the year, NewMeMD can customize a weight loss program designed exactly for your specific needs. We can even recommend some of our body contouring treatments to help keep you lookin' "swimsuit ready" year-round.

For information about our products & services click here to visit our web site NOW.

Here's to many smart solutions to staying slender, even after this season comes to an end!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pop Quiz: NewMeMD 's 7 Side Effects of Drinking Soda

Here’s a little "pop" quiz  question from our NewMeMD wellness team about the average food & beverage consumption in the U.S.: 

What is the single biggest source of calories for Americans. Is it white bread, Big Macs or Hot Dogs? The answer... is actually SODA. 

You might say, "But I drink diet soda, which contains zero calories and sugar." Sounds like the perfect alternative for all you waistline watchers out there, right? Hardly so. 

Before you pop the top of that caramel-colored bubbly drink, we at NewMeMD think you should know this: Although your diet drink may not contain any calories (much less ANY nutritional value), guzzling diet sodas comes with its own side effects which could harm your health... from damaging your kidneys to even adding more inches around that mid-section.

Learning about these 7 side effects of drinking diet soda may help you kick the can for good.

1. Kidney Problems

Something you may not already know about your diet soda is that it can affect your kidneys. An 11-year study from the Harvard Medical School (on more than 3,000 women) revealed diet cola can be associated with a two-fold increased risk for declining kidney health. And get this--More than 2 sodas a day was found to cause a significant reduction in overall kidney function (yikes).

2. Metabolic Syndrome
Based on a 2008 diet soda study of almost 10,000 adults even one soda a day is linked to a 34% higher risk of Metabolic Syndrome, and the side effects of this condition (like belly fat and high cholesterol) can put you at greater risk for a heart attack.

3. Obesity
You read that soda doesn’t help you lose weight after all. A study from the University of Texas has found out the more diet sodas someone drinks, the more chances of that person eventually becoming overweight. Drinking just two cans of the carbonated stuff day may actually expand waistlines by, get this... 500%, because artificial sweeteners can disrupt the body’s natural ability to regulate calorie intake based on the sweetness of foods!

4. A Terrible Hangover
One of the worst things you can do with zero-calorie pop is to mix it with alcohol... like ordering a 'Vodka Diet' (vodka with any type of diet drink). Why? Because these types of cocktails could make you feel drunker, faster. Studies show sugar-free mixers generally allow liquor to enter your bloodstream much quicker, giving you a much bigger buzz (which could lead to a much more excruciating hangover the next day).

5. Cell Damage
Diet sodas contain something regular sodas don’t have: mold inhibitors. These chemicals can be found on the ingredient labels of your drinks under names such as sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. Scientific compounds such as these have the ability to cause severe damage to your DNA (our building blocks of life) by literally suffocating your cells.

6. Rotting Teeth
Diet soda has a pH of 3.2, which means it's very acidic. Just like in science lab, liquid substances with high acidity can dissolve things... In the case of diet drinks, we're referring to the destruction of your tooth enamel (as in, way more tooth decay, missing teeth and more fillings). Adults who chug three or more sodas a day can surely anticipate dental health problems down the road, so remember: just because a soda is light on the calories doesn’t mean it's light on the acidic content!

7. Reproductive Problems
Diet or not, soft drink cans are coated with the chemical bisphenol A (otherwise known as BPA), which has been linked to everything from heart disease to obesity to reproductive problems. If you ask us, all of this sure is a lot of risk to take just to sip down a substance simply because it contains zero calories, right?!

No one is saying you can't ever have a soda, but there certainly are other alternatives for improving your lifestyle and or managing your weight.

At NewMeMD we can customize a weight loss program designed for your specific needs or recommend some of our other treatments to help trim you down without any of the side effects that accompany a diet soda. 

For information about our products & services click here to visit our web site NOW.

Here's to a refreshing, much healthier (and calorie-free) solution to a smaller waistline!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Pursuit of Happiness (& Health): NewMeMD 's 10 Healthiest & Happiest U.S. Cities

We've searched far and wide for the healthiest and happiest cities in America. 

If your city isn't on here, don't pack your bags just yet... We at NewMeMD identified just what it is exactly that put these zip codes on the list, and the info we found could help you to be happier and healthier wherever you may live!

1. Salt Lake City, UT

This part of the state named by the Ute Indian tribe long ago reportedly has significantly low rates cancer among inhabitants. And thanks to heavy Mormon influence in Utah, people tend to eat and live much cleaner in Salt Lake City than Americans do in other regions.

2. Anaheim, CA

It doesn't hurt that Anaheim is home to what's known by many as "The Happiest Place on Earth" (Disneyland), but the real reason this metropolis is at the top of the list is because statistically, residents here are more focused on fitness and tend to maintain a healthy weight (based on national standards).

3. Minneapolis, MN

This metaphorical twin of St. Paul, Minnesota boasts top scores for heart health, because the locals 'round here strongly believe that food is medicine for their hearts ("you betcha"). This city also has the highest number of Farmer's markets per capita.

4. Denver, CO

Known mostly for its winter vacation resorts and ski lodges, this Rocky Mountains region has recently been recognized for its healthy BMIs, ground-level cancer rates and significantly low numbers of those who smoke (cigarettes, that is).

5. Jersey City, NJ

The Guidos and Guidettes must be doing something right! Jersey City has the highest concentration per capita of fitness professionals and was recently documented as having the most gyms among other American cities.

6. Portland, OR

Not only is Portland the most populous city in Oregon, the people there are heart healthy, cheerful, and have easier access to affordable produce.

7. Honolulu, HI 

They may say, "Alo-HA..." but for these islanders optimal health is no joke. Recent reports show the island of Honolulu has off-the-charts mental health scores (we're guessing this has something to do with their beautiful beaches). This is just more proof that being outdoors can give you an improved sense of well-being and reduce stress.

8. Seattle, WA

They didn't just pioneer the grunge trend and bring us Starbucks coffeehouses, This city in Washington state also helps produce one of the highest number of U.S. college graduates. This, in turn, makes 'Seattle-ites' much more optimistic as individuals. Oh, and they reportedly purchase a lot more organic produce than residents in other health-conscious towns!

9. Lincoln, NE

This happy city in the Corn Husker state was recently acknowledged for having the country's lowest unemployment rate. Additionally, inhabitants in Nebraska's capital are exceptionally heart healthy overall.

10. Virginia Beach, VA

Those who call The Old Dominion home not only possess extremely healthy cholesterol levels, consumer reports show they're also huge buyers of athletic clothing (which implies they must exercise regularly, right?!)

Okay so what's the secret? The answer is, there really is NO secret as to why these cities are so happy and healthy. Put simply, inhabitants of these areas are active, they eat right and they just try to live stress-free lives as much as possible. At times it may be a struggle to live a lifestyle like this, but if YOU really want it... YOU too can achieve it!  

At NewMeMD we can customize a a healthy lifestyle or weight loss program designed for your specific needs. We understand one size does not fit all, which is why we offer a variety of physician-guided programs and packages that can be individualized with your objectives in mind.  For information about our services click here to visit our web site NOW. .

Here's to finding the pursuit of happiness & good health, along with a new YOU!
--Your NewMeMD Wellness Team